Question about branches in enclosures


New Member
Are eucalyptus branches (dried out with no leaves) ok to put in an enclosure?
If not what branches are ok?
eucalyptus are not safe.
they are toxic and bleed a nasty chemical laden sap that stains
you don't want your animal to have contact with that.

Most people use sand blasted grape vines
I found a secure source of legally acquired manzanita branches
for the show complete with staghorn moss on them

both of those are safe, manzanita being the safer
and better looking of the two.
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This is how my cages are set up w/ a manzanita branch for support
Oh that green leafy thing...
thats the chameleon vine that I'm bringing into the hobby :)
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My schefflera tree has a lot of sturdy branches, and I have added a couple of those bendable fake vines from the pet store so that I can position them perfectly for her basking spot and feeding station. I had originally tried fake bamboo branches, but they were too smooth, and she slipped around on them when climbing and ended up avoiding them much of the time, clearly disliking them. I'm not sure if real bamboo would have the same issue.
Mulberry Tree

I use the left over branches from mulberry tree I raid for silkworms. I just let the woody branch parts dry in the sun for a week, than cut to fit cage. Branches shown in picture.
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