question about lighting

so i have a uvb bulb. do i need a basking bulb as well? and a nighttime bulb?

We're going to need more information to answer your question. Someone will probably ask you to fill out the heath care clinic form for your animal. At a minimum, provide the species so someone can link you a care sheet.

Nighttime bulb is generally not needed unless your temps are in 50s or lower.
You need a uvb bulb a minimum of 5.0 and a basking spot bulb. This can consist of a 60watt household spotbulb. You dont need a night light and all lights should be turned off at night.
Not being rude, but wasn't this answered in your questions when you posted about getting him and the questions about being him being blind, etc?

I recall replying and mentioning lighting. /shrug

you need a basking light - temperature depends on age/sex/type of cham

you need a uvb 5 bulb

no need for night/red light unless your temps drop lower than the nightly min for your species
Wykd, i was just a litlle confused as whether or not the uv bulb was also used for the basking.
without a bask bulb at the moment im sitting in the upper 70s. ive got the uv bulb on, but the crappy lamp that i have for the basking bulb keeps shorting out my bulbs.
I really have no idea as to find out the species i have. how would i go about doing that?

oh and btw the eye drops appear to be slowly working. he seems to be able to squint out of his left eye now. i can see a small slit of it opened from time to time. the right is still completely shut
from your picture it looks like a yemen chameleon but a better picture on here would help. If male he needs a basking spot of 90f!
awesome on his eye! Keep up the showers, eye drops and make sure your giving him vitamins.. vitamin A is key for eyes I am told.

will post up what you need to go get at walmart in 1 minute
im on it thanks!

i dont want to overheat the guy. until i get my new cage later, he will be in a 30 gal, glass tank.

Obvioulsy a 30 gallon tank is not a good long term housing opetion. he needs a full screen cage that is 4 feet high and 2 feet square.
his new cage is already shipped and on its way to my house. just trying to get by until it gets here. hopefully later today. probably not until monday from what im guessing though.

i have been feeding the crickets carrots, because carrots have vitamin a, and then trying to get him to eat that, but he simply does not want to eat.

i am going to try a liquid diet i think. anybody had any luck with it?
You need to get the balence of vitamin A correct as they can overdose on it which can cause more problems. Try a variety of feeders. aslong as he is eating then he will be getting the strength he needs.
Lowes shopping list for your light situation:

5.5 clamp light

25w Spot Light - Why this over a normal 40w light bulb? Because it focuses the light into one spot and will heat that basking spot and less of the surrounding area. A normal light bulb will heat a wider footprint because the light is not directed into a spot.

Also pick up a 40w normal light bulb just in case.... what works for 1 may not work for everyone is so better to have both and try the small narrow spot light and watch the temperature in the basking spot and surrounding area. If its to hot turn then move it away some and recheck. If still to hot then put in the 40 normal light bulb and check that temperature. You may have to go thru 3-4 different bulbs and light angles/distance to the top of tank to find what works best in your setup.
Word of advice get that new tank setup and checking the temperatures etc... before you transplant him if possible. This will ease the move stress hopefully and less impact on his recovery.

his new cage is already shipped and on its way to my house. just trying to get by until it gets here. hopefully later today. probably not until monday from what im guessing though.

i have been feeding the crickets carrots, because carrots have vitamin a, and then trying to get him to eat that, but he simply does not want to eat.

i am going to try a liquid diet i think. anybody had any luck with it?
lol no stupid questions imo. I am no where the cham guy these ppl are. But I stayed at a Best Western hotel once.

Plenty of good info on here though, I could/do spend hours reading posts/blogs by ppl on here. In hopes of it making me a better pet owner.
There are no stupid questions! Only impatient forum members... and I don't think there are any on here.

Ask away, better to know you're being given relevant info rather than trawling through heaps and heaps on here!
A few thoughts, I've posted the health questionnaire on your other thread, it would help us focus on ways to help you help him. If you are tight on funds, a good temporary cage measure is one of those mesh laundry hampers which zips closed, with a few vines, branches etc in there. You've had some fantastic advice already, particularly from Wykd!
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