question about my jacksons..


New Member
I recently took my Jackson chams outside for some sun. (one at a time, because I find it hard to keep up with both of them, although they have never fought with each other, but they are very active!) I noticed one of them (they are both females) turned a very dark color, as though she was stressed, but after a few minutes, she turned back to her normal color, and just sat there on my hand, sunbathing I guess. When I took The other cham outside, she sat there on my hand, and completely turned on her side, basically flat.. I thought she was dying?? (i am a first time cham owner, and am new to this) I was just wanting some advice as to if I'm doing everything okay, and if both chams we're showing normal behavior?
They will go darker and lean to one side and flatten their bodies to increase surface area when basking. Sounds like the second girl enjoyed it a lot more than the first one! It is perfectly normal behaviour. The side of the body nearest the sun goes dark and the other side that is in the shadow will stay lighter.
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