Question about owning multiple males..


New Member
ok so heres the situation im tryin to figure out... i currently have one male panther in my 72"x30"x30" setup vertically, and i want to get another male.. my plan was to turn the cage horizontally, put it on supports up near my ceiling so hes nice and high up, and put a visual barrier attached to the middle supports,effectively making it into two separate 36"x30"x30" spaces... could this work?? i guess my main concern would obviously being them uncomfortable and territorial, but do they only react to other males by sight, or can they detect them by smell or another sense?
It should work fine IMO. There is atherory that chams can sense each other trhough vibrations, but can you imagine breeders how many males they have one beside the other? and no problems what so ever. I would give it a try, as long as the visual barrier is secure and always present.
yea thats what i assumed... but i always weigh out both sides before i do ANYTHING... to avoid any future headaches. lol, i guess the only reason im really nervous is because one time he saw himself in the mirror, and was doing some ridiculous dance for like a day and a half, and i saw colors i would never expect to see in a nosy be.
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