Hi all! My cham is mated and she is showing gravid colorations.
She is about 12 months old and my questions is...
I heard that people doesnt use incubators to veiled chams? Right? Wrong?
My plan is to get her in a egg laying container when she stop eats and begin to wander down in her cage.
After that to put the eggs in the egg container with moistered vermeculite and in rooms temperature cause the temp is stable, its 22-23.
So, is this a good plan? Do i Need a incubator?
Please respond!
She is about 12 months old and my questions is...
I heard that people doesnt use incubators to veiled chams? Right? Wrong?
My plan is to get her in a egg laying container when she stop eats and begin to wander down in her cage.
After that to put the eggs in the egg container with moistered vermeculite and in rooms temperature cause the temp is stable, its 22-23.
So, is this a good plan? Do i Need a incubator?
Please respond!