Question on color and patterns.


New Member
Our female veiled chameleon (Milly 4 months old) started showing her fired up colors while hunting her crickets and a few times while I was moving her plant to better position for basking. What puzzles me I can't seem to find other chams with this coloration/pattern anywheres. I understand that each cham is unique with their own color. Hard time finding others like her. Has anyone seen these patterns or colors before?
Yes, those are typical "fired up/defensive /stressed" colors for a Veiled . She is still young. Just wait till you discover her gravid colors.
My mail will puff up his chin and get those same poka dots when i go mist his tank, I Usually tell him calm down i'm coming in anyways, that was yesterday lol I took him out to clean the cage a few hours later, i must have been on his well not so liked list because my son was holding him and he was perfectly fine until I came back in the room, he fired up and gave a really big hiss, my son was like, Mom what did you do to Randall today, I said I changed his vines and I guess he don't like that lol
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