New Member
Hello there,
I'm new here (Nice ot meet you all!
), I will be getting my first Chameleon but he'll also be my first ever reptile. I'm trying to do solid research so that I can give him the awesome life he deserves.
In this thread I just want to test my knowledge with you all so far and ask questions of things I'm worried about if that's okay?
Thank you so, so, so much for anyone who gives up their time to help me, I really, really, REALLY appreciate it.
It's so very kind of you! I just want to make sure I get this right when I buy my first Chameleon. Please be nice, I'm new to all of this. I'm used to keeping hamsters lol.
This is the enclosure I will be getting for him:
Do you please think that's alright? It seems to come with a lot of great things.
What I've learned so far is:
+If you get a baby, you need feed them from the tub to allow them to get used to used as Chammies are very timid. You have to allow a while for them to settle in and hold your arm still like a branch and encourage them to get used to you. When they're comfortable walking on your arm for food then you can start holding them but only for about 15 mins a day to start with.
+The top of the cage needs to be warmer and cooler at the bottom. You need UV lighting for them to bask in and keep warm but you should switch the lights off at night. I'm worried that my chameleon will get cold in the winter months with the lights turned off. How can I make sure that that's always comfortably warm for him whilst making sure that he is able to get good sleep at night. Would red UV lighting be okay?
+They enjoy a variety of different insects but if they insects are bigger than his head there's a risk of choking.
+The insects have to be gut feed prior to being fed to your chameleon. How do I go about this please and where can you store the live food?
+They need plenty of places to explore and hide.
+They like to be above your eye level and in somewhere relatively quiet in your house. With a window view if possible but not in direct sunlight. No glass terrariums as their reflections can cause them stress. The enclosure should ideally open at the side rather than top so as not to frighten them when you have to reach in.
+Chameleons must be housed individually.
Here are a few questions I have that concern me please:
I need help with the lighting please? What UV bulbs do you recommend? Is it is easy putting them on a timer?
Do you need lighting at the bottom of the enclosure too to keep it warm there aswell?
We may need to drive down South of the UK (we live in West Yorkshire) to pick our baby chammy up, the drive home might be 5 hours or so? I want to make it a stress free transit for the little guy. Any advice for this please?
How often do I need to clean the tank out?
How do I encourage the chameleon to drink from a pool rather than what he's naturally used to?
How do you all manage if you ever go on holiday? Do you leave your little friends with relatives/friends or do you request that they come feed him at your house. As long as I clean the enclosure before we go on holiday then is feeding/clean water daily adequate care please? (If we cannot leave our little guy for holidays then we won't go away whilst we have him because it's not fair for him).
Is there any other advice you can please give me?
Thanks so much again to anyone who takes the time to help.
Kind regards,
I'm new here (Nice ot meet you all!
In this thread I just want to test my knowledge with you all so far and ask questions of things I'm worried about if that's okay?
Thank you so, so, so much for anyone who gives up their time to help me, I really, really, REALLY appreciate it.
This is the enclosure I will be getting for him:
Do you please think that's alright? It seems to come with a lot of great things.
What I've learned so far is:
+If you get a baby, you need feed them from the tub to allow them to get used to used as Chammies are very timid. You have to allow a while for them to settle in and hold your arm still like a branch and encourage them to get used to you. When they're comfortable walking on your arm for food then you can start holding them but only for about 15 mins a day to start with.
+The top of the cage needs to be warmer and cooler at the bottom. You need UV lighting for them to bask in and keep warm but you should switch the lights off at night. I'm worried that my chameleon will get cold in the winter months with the lights turned off. How can I make sure that that's always comfortably warm for him whilst making sure that he is able to get good sleep at night. Would red UV lighting be okay?
+They enjoy a variety of different insects but if they insects are bigger than his head there's a risk of choking.
+The insects have to be gut feed prior to being fed to your chameleon. How do I go about this please and where can you store the live food?
+They need plenty of places to explore and hide.
+They like to be above your eye level and in somewhere relatively quiet in your house. With a window view if possible but not in direct sunlight. No glass terrariums as their reflections can cause them stress. The enclosure should ideally open at the side rather than top so as not to frighten them when you have to reach in.
+Chameleons must be housed individually.
Here are a few questions I have that concern me please:
I need help with the lighting please? What UV bulbs do you recommend? Is it is easy putting them on a timer?
Do you need lighting at the bottom of the enclosure too to keep it warm there aswell?
We may need to drive down South of the UK (we live in West Yorkshire) to pick our baby chammy up, the drive home might be 5 hours or so? I want to make it a stress free transit for the little guy. Any advice for this please?
How often do I need to clean the tank out?
How do I encourage the chameleon to drink from a pool rather than what he's naturally used to?
How do you all manage if you ever go on holiday? Do you leave your little friends with relatives/friends or do you request that they come feed him at your house. As long as I clean the enclosure before we go on holiday then is feeding/clean water daily adequate care please? (If we cannot leave our little guy for holidays then we won't go away whilst we have him because it's not fair for him).
Is there any other advice you can please give me?
Thanks so much again to anyone who takes the time to help.
Kind regards,