Quick cricket breeding question


Avid Member
So now I have a bunch of containers with cricket eggs in them (I'm kinda scared of how many I have).

I'm wondering if I can dump the dirt with the eggs in it out of the container so I can reuse it with new dirt?

Thanks for your help!!
Never did that but I cant see why not. See if someone can give you a more definitive answer.... if they don't, try it.
@jannb have you ever done crickets? Or do you have any idea about this?

If no one knows or if no one has tried it before I will try it with some of mine then post the results, if anyone is interested.
I was just taking my dirt trays out now to incubate the eggs in their own bin. I'll tell you how it goes.
Thank you @Andee!! because I was just about to dump them in a larger bin after I was done catching up here!!

What are your thoughts on just having 1 huge cricket bin with dirt at the bottom covered with screen? I am hoping I can get away with this so I do not need to get another bin.
1 huge cricket bin could work... but you would likely have to remove it form the adults. It depends on if you offer differrent sizes. Cause adults will eat pinheads with no issue.
Do they prefer to eat their own? Or would I not have an issue of them eating each other if I make sure to offer enough food?
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