quick drainage solution


New Member
i was wondering what a quick drainage solution would be for my 2 by 2 by 4 cage from lllreptile.....pvc bottom...and a 10 inch pot in one corner and a small plant stand in the other corner....it sits on a table that i dont want to drill into....the cage will be auto misted by mistking products 4 times a day and there are two nozzels in the cage.....whats a good drainage system for my situation???

You could have the cage slightly tilted forward and a trough at the front to catch the water. Have the trough slope one way and drain into a bucket. We put our cages up on wooden racks so that they tilt forward and hang off the edge slightly. Attach a trough to the rack and drain whichever end you choose.
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Make a hole put a screen over the hole and a bucket under the hole .

That really is your only option unless you want to hangout by the cage all day with paper towels and dry it after each cycle of the mistking. Odds are if you have the time to do option two you dont have a job, and are independently wealthy and.... If your that wealthy then you can afford to buy 100's of tables and it really wont matter if you drill into that one anyway right?;)

If you go to Lowes/Home Depot, they sell a tray to go under a wahing machine. It is bigger than you need, but with splatter, it helps. I also put a 9inch high strip of fiberglass board around the 2 sides and the back, which really reduced my splatter. The board comes in 4 by 8 foot sheets @ the same stores, you have to cut it yourself.
Most people drill a hole in the center of the 2 by 2 bottom, and put the heaviest plant over the hole so most of the water drains out the hole.
Hope this helps.:D
Okay easy & cheap but effective. supplies needed 3" PVC pipe, dish pan large trash bag.
Cut the 3" pvc so you have 4 pieces avout 5' tall, drill several holes in the bottom of the cage. reassembly by putting cover over table top with the trash bag for extra security, if desired, set up 4 pieces of 5" pipe as supports for cage, put dishpan (from any 1$ store) between the four legs, sit the 4 corners of the cage on the 4 pvc legs. You have drainage and all you have to do is pull out the dishpan and empty it. if your big plant doesn't drain well enough put it up on 4 pvc legs 1" tall. Cheap, effective, easy, and efficent my style. Good luck
Home depot sells gutters for 5 bucks and a 5 gallon bucket for 3 bucks have your cage tilt to the back and have it drain into the gutter the have it run into the bucket. its what i did and you can make a stand with pine 2x4s they are 2 bucks each and u will only need three, so a stand and drainage set up for 14 bucks yes it doesnts look the best but it works good its cheap.
This is the age old question.........for me I bought rack to place my cages on then attached black landscape sheeting under the racks to funnel the water to containers....its not pretty but it works.
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