Quick Questiion about supplementing


New Member
So i got a 2 month old baby veiled from the Reptile store 3 weeks ago. Awesome Male, i have him in an indoor in closure two sides glass two sides screen. I take him out in the sun every day for about 5-10 minutes.. The guy at the store gave me the Repcal Calcium WITH D3 and the Herptivite with Beta Stuff and said mix those and dust EVERY cricket I feed him, up to 20 a day... After doing some research i've gotten the idea that this was false info?

I just placed an order for some Calcium withOUT D3 in it. Im getting the idea I should dust every cricket w\ normal calcium, and do the D3 and Herptivite 2-3 times a month? Thanks
welcome to the forum, and yes you are correct.
calcium no D3 at most feedings
calcium wit D3 2 x a month
and multivitamin 2 x a month
is a very common schedual for panthers and veileds
so my Calcium no D3 just came in the mail. it says on the container intended ONLY for reptiles grown in real sunlight?!?! Mines not in sunlight!! He goes out for 5 minutes or so every other day. Is this calcium still going to be ok?
so my Calcium no D3 just came in the mail. it says on the container intended ONLY for reptiles grown in real sunlight?!?! Mines not in sunlight!! He goes out for 5 minutes or so every other day. Is this calcium still going to be ok?

The reason it says this, is just to indicate that it has no D3.
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