Quick question regarding something I just realized


New Member
Hi everyone, I'm very new to this forum and have recently purchased my first male veiled on Feb. 24th. He's doing great maybe 3-4 in body size not counting tail and is very active. I've read all my research from this forum before I bought him and during my keeping of him. So the question I have is that I just sprayed some of that quick seal type of sealer outside of my bedroom window, his Reptibreeze cage is in my bedroom, which is the room in my house with the least foot traffic, so I just came inside after spraying this stuff outside to prevent drafts, I live in Massachusetts so its still pretty cold outside at night, and you can smell the fumes in the room from the product. It's not as strong as if I were to have sprayed it inside the house but you can still detect it. I was wondering if this will have any ill effect on him or if I should temporarily move him into another room. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
If it is bothering you, then it could bother him. I do not know how strong the smell is because I am not there, but if you think it could harm him, and you can move the cage, then I would do so until the air clears in the room.
I mean I can smell it pretty strong in there I already moved him into another safe room on the opposite side of the house before I checked for a reply but he got a little mad at me and puffed up for the first time but I'm going to let him relax in there for the night and not move him until the morning back to his original spot so I don't overly stress him out

Also just for my information how good is there sense of smell and hearing that's the only thing I couldn't really find a good answer for in my research

Thanks for the help
Hearing is pretty non existant from what I know as you probably have noticed they do not have ears. They can however feel vibrations. If I recall, their sense of smell is not so keen either. There has not really been much discussion about their sense of smell, but I do remember a thread from awhile back and a very knowledgeable member explaining their anatomy and saying they did not smell too well. Even if he were not able to really smell the fumes, they might be harmful if inhaled, so I think I would have done the same thing you did and moved the cage.
Its a spray paint can with like a liquid rubber compound if you've ever seen the Flex Seal Info-mercial on TV its pretty much the same exact thing just a knock off brand that works just as good. It's the first time that I've ever considered doing it or using it but given the weather that we've had in Massachusetts this winter and the new arrival I didn't want my house to have an ambient temp of lower than 70-72 degrees during this winter so I went outside and sprayed my bedroom window to close up the gaps from the outside but it turns out it was worse than I thought if I can smell the fumes inside the house with the windows shut. I want to use something better but normally I would just use a plastic sheet on the inside of the window and that used to prevent the drafts really well, I just wanted something almost semi-permanent this time around until my landlords decide to actually replace the windows that have been in this apartment since 1963 lol so until that day I have to figure out the best ways to do everything around here.

Also totally random and don't know if I should start a new thread for this but what is the quickest/best way to gutload crickets he eats almost 15-20 a day so I go through them quickly.
I'm not too familiar with the chemical makeup of this product but I thin you did the right thing by moving the cage for a day or two while it airs out.
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