R.I.P Momma


Friendly Grasshopper
so yesterday i took Momma, who has been battleing with mouth rott in her old age, for he regular shower, she enjoyed it as always and was drinking up all the dropplets.
well after i took her out i sat with her for a few min the way we alway do, then i took her to put her back into her cage, and she usually climbs right in...
well she didnt want to leave my hand so i knew things werent right.
i held my hand there in her cage for a few miniute and she just held onto me so tight,
i removed my hand and sat down with her and she nestled in and about 20min later i saw her lossing the battle so i took her up to say goodbye to her to boys and within afew miniutes see quiety passed in my hand.

so here are a few pics.

the very first night she came to me, we drove for 3hrs in a blizzard to pick her up,



always trying to hide behind a skinny stick with her big ole belly, so sill and
cute, always made me smile :)


sweetest face ever


i always remember her like this.


the last pic i have of her,


she was WC so i dont know her exact age about 4yrs, but she leaves me with fond memories and two beautifull boys
so with a heavy heart i say thank you for all the help and support of everyone.
"Momma you are my sweet sweet beautifull girl, i will always love and remember you"
I am so very sorry to hear about your sweet Momma. It sounds like she just wanted to be with you and hold on tight until she passed. I am so glad you have the wonderful memories of her to cherish... and sounds like she felt the same way about you. My heart is with you and my the good memories someday full the void you feel in your heart right now.
Well, at least she had a good last night and still enjoyed her shower time with you. RIP little Momma.
I am SO sorry Hoj!!! I know you did everything you could for her and gave her a fabulous life! We were all really pulling for her...
Oh Hoj, I am so sorry and very sad to read this. :( Yet another precious chameleon has left us this year. You did your absolute best for Momma and she looked like such a special l'il girly-cham, so full of character. Sleep tight sweetie, you will be missed. My dear Lily was the same - she wouldn't leave me to go back in her viv and she died in my lap. Although it's really not nice, in some small way it is still touching that they choose to be with us when they pass.
So very sorry to hear that she has passed. Mouth rot is hard to deal with in many cases and all you can do is your best...and I know you did. Keep her memories in your heart.
I am so sorry. i knew yesterday when we talked you were taking it hard. I have always enjoyed talking to you about how you could just see love in momma eyes. She always sounded like such a gentle lady. I am glad you have her 2 sone, so at least a part of her will go on. RIP Momma.:(
my sincerest condolences to you. She knew you gave her a much better life than she had in the wild. she really trusted you since she wanted to be with you in the end. Very sad yes but also you must feel good about the bond the two of you formed. Not many ever get that experience.

RIP Momma
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so i took a few min the other day a read everyones beautifull comments.
thank you all so much, Momma ment the world to me and i was in the dumps for a few days.
she definatly is in a better place now and happily eating sooo many bugs. i will miss her always and never forget the love she had in her lil precious face.
thank you all
R.I.P Momma
This really was a nice post :) I normally don't get into the memorial threads but this one was exceptional. She will be watching you from cham heaven with all the bugs she can eat :)
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