R.I.P Osang

I thank you all for your kind words. I know in my heart she is in a better place. Things happen for a reason I guess, mabey the thought of us being seperated with the move in all sent her over the edge... Who knows.

She did lay a clutch of 39 infertiles about 2-3 months back if I remember correctly and recovered fine.

On a lighter note: I am moving to a different place now and they do allow pets so The heard is coming with me. It's just a shame Osang couldn't join us.

I am so glad you are now able to take the others with you after all. It would've been awful for you to have to part wth the others so soon after Osang's passing.
She was a beautiful girl Jay. I'm sorry to hear of her passing. I also had a male veiled that was fine in the morning, climbing upside down in his cage, only to find him 3 hours later on the floor. Just goes to show you we still have much to learn about these wonderful creatures. Glad to hear you can keep your other guys. That's wonderful news.
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