R.I.P. Tweedle Dee my Translucent Female Veiled


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She was a trooper, only over a year and a half old. It seems her two clutches were hard on her.

Both clutch was 50+ eggs :(

She never recovered from the second clutch.

I thought she would be okay because the second clutch was 95 percent infertile but it happens.

Here is the beauty in her wonder days. She ate like a BEAST and was the friendliest lady around.

I am really going to miss her. Same with my girlfriend who is really attached to her. She at least left me with 50+ little replicates of herself before she moved on.

Next time I will make sure to remember not to overfeed during pregnancy. I was foolish for letting her eat to much. It is to hard on them to have such big clutches.

Lesson learned the hard way.

R.I.P. Pretty Tweedle Dee


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How sad you lost her, she was a beautiful lady. I hope the eggs leaves some nice babies to remind you of her.
She was GORGEOUS when she showed her blue eggs when she was receptive. Then when she was gravid the oranges were amazing.
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