Raccoons visiting me.


Avid Member
I read article that these are good and our called Land Bees. I set up this garbage for them to rip open.


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You can not only get rabies from them you can get baylisascaris and leptospirosis.

Baylisascaris can cause me entities, seizures, etc in humans because the parasites get lost/misdirected in humans.

Leptospirosis is no picnic either.
A few years back I set up a bird feeder so my indoor cat could have some entertainment (cat TV). Then the squirrels came and I set out feeders for them too. One morning the neighborhood ducks paid me a visit and I fed them...got to be a daily routine. Got to where every time I set foot outside, I was being harassed by squirrels or ducks wanting more. When the rats visited from my alcoholic neighbor’s overgrown trashed yard, all feedings stopped.
A few years back I set up a bird feeder so my indoor cat could have some entertainment (cat TV). Then the squirrels came and I set out feeders for them too. One morning the neighborhood ducks paid me a visit and I fed them...got to be a daily routine. Got to where every time I set foot outside, I was being harassed by squirrels or ducks wanting more. When the rats visited from my alcoholic neighbor’s overgrown trashed yard, all feedings stopped.
What, no roaches:LOL:

A few years back I set up a bird feeder so my indoor cat could have some entertainment (cat TV). Then the squirrels came and I set out feeders for them too. One morning the neighborhood ducks paid me a visit and I fed them...got to be a daily routine. Got to where every time I set foot outside, I was being harassed by squirrels or ducks wanting more. When the rats visited from my alcoholic neighbor’s overgrown trashed yard, all feedings stopped.
This is almost my story...except that the rats left when I quit putting food out and the other critters all came back!

No cat though....black and white "cats" scratching at the back door every night looking for a peanut butter sandwich. (Skunks...for those of you who haven't figured it out!)
I live in the UK so dont have to deal with them but I read somewhere they can carry raccoon roundworm. 70% of adult raccoons carry it and 90% of juveniles raccoons.
I live in the UK so dont have to deal with them but I read somewhere they can carry raccoon roundworm. 70% of adult raccoons carry it and 90% of juveniles raccoons.
Yes, but it's spread through contact with infected feces, or soil or water contaminated with infected feces. Same as canine roundworm & other parasites.

So when someone says, "Eat ? and die!" they're really hoping you'll get worms. ?
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