Rainbow Jackson’s horn looks pale

Buy the lowest strength available and use the smallest amount you can smear on a bug. Don't do it more than every 3 months it has the risk of overdose just like D3. D3 will stay with them for 2 months vitamin A can stay for 6 months. Under normal circumstances I would stick with the chameleon supplements and only use the capsules for extreme situations.
I know others use them regularly. I'm not comfortable with that because I don't know exactly how much I'm giving,
If you want to keep it simple for now just get human Vitamin A retinol capsules and put a tiny smear on a feeder that he will definitely eat. Do this only once as it will last in his system a while. Then get your appointment on Monday. Then you can get him on a more normal schedule later.
It can be hard to find multi without D3
Thanks for your help! Is he going to be ok from this? How severe is this
He could be fine it's hard to tell without knowing how many doses he got before you got him. If it's caught early and corrected they can live full lives.
A couple of weeks worth is likely fixable.
If you want to keep it simple for now just get human Vitamin A retinol capsules and put a tiny smear on a feeder that he will definitely eat. Do this only once as it will last in his system a while. Then get your appointment on Monday. Then you can get him on a more normal schedule later.
It can be hard to find multi without D3

Would a very small amount of this on a bug help him out with this. I’m sterilizing a blunt string to extract it
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