Rainbow- One Year later


New Member
It's been one year now with Rainbow the Ambanja in our care (he was around six months when we got him).

Punctual to this anniversary he had a big shed yesterday and silkworms are available on the market again. So he finally decided to merciful show some colors in the morning to us.

Well, his reds go more orange, his yellow cheeks are less glowing, his lips are not perfectly straight when closed, he is still on the smaller side for a panther chameleon and not as stunning as many panthers I see here on this forum - But other than that he is doing fine with us.

And thanks to all the great knowledge of this forum, we have been able to get him to this point. So thank you everyone for the great advise so far.


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Thanks all. I always had Yemen Chameleons before and color was not a consideration.

These Panthers drive me crazy. Coloration is such a big issue. I see all these great panthers here and sometimes in the pet stores and wonder what I do wrong.

Just bought this magic supplement from Germany: Nekton Rep-Color, multi-vitamin and d3 in one. Used it twice so far. Will let you know if it really improves coloration.

And next week I will buy a nice Chinese birdcage out of bamboo for taking him out on a nice day (winter is finally over). Sun always does wonders.
Happy one year anniversary to you and Rainbow. He looks like such a sweet boy and I think he is gorgeous. Just the other day I saw his photo over on the side of the home page and had to go check out his album. I think he is a very handsome boy and you should be proud to have such a beautiful chameleon.
Thanks Jann. I saw your pet cham video the other. Beautiful. Even if some of those are not with you anymore, you have a stunning collection there. Nothing can replace the lost ones. But every successful husbandry to old age can only make you proud.
Thanks Jann. I saw your pet cham video the other. Beautiful. Even if some of those are not with you anymore, you have a stunning collection there. Nothing can replace the lost ones. But every successful husbandry to old age can only make you proud.

Thank you for the nice comment about my pet video. It's all I have left of some of my guys and I am so thankful that Dez made it for me.
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