Rampage attacked by mongoose not a good site for my son

Hi everyone,
i'm a newbie here, i just dont know who to talk too. Our male jackson chameleon Rampage was attacked today by a mongoose, we just moved in to our new townhouse and just got home from a quick vacation, me and my son missed them alot, oh we have a female jackson also and she's pregnant. This afternoon o glanced at their cage out on our half cemented yard , i told my husband that the wind is too strong i could see the slight movement, minutes later my 10 yrs ols son screamed at a mongoose. We were all in panic when we saw Rampage with only 1 arm left and no tail, we got so worried with our pregnant chammy buy she was ok.Rampage was dying he was loosing so much blood, but was still able to hang on with 1 arm. I cant stop crying till bed time, i feel so sorry for my son. Rampage was a wild jackson that we found 3 months ago, he used to hissss at us, we were intimadated by his size buy after a couple of weeks he gained his trus and we were able to carry him and hand feed him. My husband said that Rampage was trying to prptect his pregnant girl. I was so excited to see their babies and raise them, but instead we decided to set her free where we found her and Rampage. I can't erase how my son found his loved friend. We made him a box and my son wrote a note. As for me as his mom i will try my best to raise him and help him understand the circle of life....
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Such a tragic story.. I am sorry for your loss.
But, I am wondering.. Are you guys in Hawaii?
Oh i'm so sorry for your son and you.....hope you got the little *^"! that did it....i'm usually a lover not a fighter but i think i'd make an exception in this matter!
Sorry about your Cham. That had to really be hard to wittiness. So were they not in a cage? You mentioned a cage moving in the wind. But I'm curious as to how the Mongoose got to them.
Thanks everyone, and yes we live in oahu, hawaii . When i thought that the wind was blowing our cage, the mongoose was actually dragging them towards the grassy area. Then the mongoose ripped off his limbs thru the cage, i wanted to somehow put him together but he lost alot of blood half of his back was gone but that one arm left was still hanging on .Our yard is half cement and half grass, i wish they couldve atleast made loud noise while being attacked, our preg girl was so scared she was just curled up and very black, up to this morning we still didnt clean up their cage his tail and legs are still here i dont know if i can go outside to clean up. I got attached to that green fella myself, wish i could post some pictures. Usually chameleons are solitary creatures right but not this two, he protected her till death. As for his babies when they're born they' ll enjoy their natural habitat that's our gift to our Jackson Family. Oh gosh i cant get over this.
Best friend owner of rampage--- Roy im 10 yrs old

Hi this is the owner of rampage I would like to say thank you for everything you said and the next time I see that mangoose I'm going to to shoot it with a air soft gun in the head and will get my reveng.
OK now I'm really confused. Did the mongoose tear through the screen? How did he get to your Cham to be able to tear off limbs through a cage? Is the cage made of chicken wire or something?
To Roy and your family:

I (as most of us) have also suffered a chameleon loss(es), however I cannot begin to imagine the horror of witnessing what you did. This story brought tears to my eyes. While it is extremely sad and we may not like it (and I am in no way downplaying this event), we have to remember that this is the way of nature. Please be strong and know that the people on this forum are there for you.
Our cage was made out of this green screen with squares ,got it from home depot. Rampage was probably trying to climb up the girl was also way on the top but she was on the stick i think if my son didnt see the mongoose, it would probably made it inside the cage and just eat both of them. Did i mention that we just got back from a vaction at around 1 pm then this happened around 3 pm . Me and my sons was gone for 2 weeks and they were always in that same area , i dont know why this happened, now
Where we got rampage the best jakson chmmeleon I ever had

Where we got rampage is that we got rampage is at "Whitmore" and buried him there and every where I go reminds me of rampage and how I loved him so.:( love roy
Wow. Im so sorry.. They were housed together?
I would have kept the female and waited tilt he babies were born out of fear that she would have been found and attacked or those poor babies wont be able to fend for themselves..and you could have kept a baby in rampages memory.. but that was your choice so good luck to you. Im sorry to hear that this happened though. I couldnt imagine what that must have been like for your son to witness..Please take care of yourself.
I dont know if cats eat chameleons but i set a trap under my chameleons cage just in case. i have 4 chameleons in a 5x4x2ft cage and i saw them all on the top of the cage, so when i checked the trap a stray cat was there.

would the cat have eaten the chameleons, given the chance. or would it have even passed the aluminum screen and wood frame? i would be devistated to see my chams mo'o, pinoy, pinay, and/or wahine killed.
Cat is one of the animal known to kill for pure pleasure...
it could decide to attack your cham just 4 fun or because it's hungry.
Oh gosh yes when my son was 5 his parakeet was also torn in half , the cat got his tail and just yanked him in half, i dont trust cats at all. Keep those chams safe maybe double up the layer of your cage add weight on the top so they wont tip it. Do whatever you can to keep them away from harm.
Such a sad story :(

For what it's worth, my condolences from London. I'm very sorry for your loss.

I hope all goes well with the pending little ones.
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