Random Saturday Pics...

nice i always do that too.. suppose to clean the cages but end up taking pics and posting it up, then continue to clean. Nice chams! I used to have a fisher long long time ago. Nice fisher tho!
Wow all your chams and the little water dragon are really nice. Someday I might get a watr dragon. My sis has a pair so who knows? Hey is Leo also the dad to the one I just bought my sis? She sure is pretty. My next cham is going to be a fisher's but since it is 21 for a high and 6 for a low tonight, there will be no chams coming here. The girl I bought that you sent to my sis is really nice and Lee said she is very good sized. Thanks again. The 2 from Mike are also nice.:)
Yes-Leon is the Dad of the one I sent-she looks considerably different from the other two. I really like the water dragon, and my bearded dragon, and would not mind getting other types of lizards down the road-everytime I go to a show I discover new things! :)
That fischers is really stunning i have been on the look out to find cb or ch but its tough as rare as they are they should comand a high price!
Out of curiosity, do you have pictures of Leon on a hand or next to something to show how big he is? I've heard people talk about how impressive his size is, and I'd like to be able to get a better idea of what a monster he is!
Out of curiosity, do you have pictures of Leon on a hand or next to something to show how big he is? I've heard people talk about how impressive his size is, and I'd like to be able to get a better idea of what a monster he is!

Sure-here is one thread showing him in relation to a full grown Panther:

And here he is in relation to an 18" Reptisun bulb:
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