Rango! (he's name was Pascal)


New Member
I change my veil's name i saw a lot of Pascal out there.. and he's face look more like a Rango :p

Some pics about him he's 3 inches maybe want to help me how old he is.

I took him outside in a Orchid to take some sun and another pics from one week ago

I'm like 3 weeks new ont he forum and never introduce officially my little guy.

Hopes you like him :)

this one is taking him inside again

love when he watch me like this. Like trying to be invisible


and the last one... on a orchind to take him to get some sun!
Honestly he looks to be about 7 - 8 weeks; very, very young! He's a cutie for sure! Welcome...both you and Rango!
Hahaha you are right, he does look more like a Rango than a Pascal. He is much too cute, welcome both of you
Honestly he looks to be about 7 - 8 weeks; very, very young! He's a cutie for sure! Welcome...both you and Rango!

my god! bad breeders he told me he was 2-3 months... i was thinking that can't be cause i saw a lot of post here with 2-3 months old chams and doesnt look like mine!

Thanks yes i think he is too young for a "newbie keeper" like me but i think he's doing fine... he just hiss me today when i handled him to took him outside for some blonde rays! :( I'm heart broken for that :(
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