Rango Pictures

I have 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 guinea pigs, 2 crested geckos, 1 leopard gecko, 1 african dwarf frog, a fish tank and then Rango.

Nice collection, I never had a gecko before, but I never saw cresties before I got on this forum.......they are now on my list for future reference......as are Madagascan Leaf Tails for when I win the lottery :D...
Thanks. I bought the cresties instead of a female veiled. They are so awesome. Definitly one of my favorite geckos. I didnt know about them till i got on this forum either. I have a male and a female so hopefully in about a year or a year and a half ill get some babies :) they are really cheap to take care of too
Yeah, it's hard to admit, especially when looking at pics of Parsons, but there are limits to what I can look after with my time and budget constraints.......a crestie or two could fit into a corner somewhere later on, after I get baby Chams rehomed......
Not yet, she's only 8 months old, just layed her first clutch of infertile eggs....but soon...ish :). The more I'm on here looking at other peoples pictures the more I want the year before my currently non-existant eggs hatch to hurry up and end. I'm just getting broody, after seeing how well the last laying went, 9 months incubating is going to be far too long though :(, I don't know how people cope when they have actual human children.........
Hahaha i agree. Its way to long of a wait. Im super impatient so that wait would seem like forever. Nut the outcome is worth it i bet.
Hahaha i agree. Its way to long of a wait. Im super impatient so that wait would seem like forever. Nut the outcome is worth it i bet.

I reckon so, if my joy on seeing 40 hatchling locusts is anything to go by.....
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