Rango - Veiled Chameleon


New Member
This is my first chameleon and I'd like to know what I'm doing right and wrong with his setup. Here are a few pics.











hes very cute.
But you do have a few major things wrong,
but its ok, we can fix it!

first, he should not be in a fish tank, theres no good ventilation.
a screen/mesh cage, that is taller than wider is what we all use.
a 24x24x48 is what he will need as an adult.
second- we dont put anything on the bottom of the cage.
if a cricket gets down into the substrate, adn the cham grabs the bug and the substrate, it can becoem impacted.

what lights are you using?
what supplements do you have?
Oy there! Im sorry to say, just about everything is wrong:( Chameleons need verticle space, not horizontal. They also need airflow, like a screen cage, or ventilated terrarium provides. Fishtanks are considered a no no. You will need to mist the cage at least 3 times a day, water is going to build up fast, and breed all kinds of bacteria in that substrate. We generaly dont use substrate either. Chameleons are arboreal, and dont frequent the ground often. They can ingest the substrate, which can cause impaction, and death. It looks like you put lots of effort into its home, but you will need to change it in order to keep the chameleon healthy.
Yeah I put a lot into it trying to make it good for him, but guess I was misinformed by the Petco employees about a tank.
Yeah I put a lot into it trying to make it good for him, but guess I was misinformed by the Petco employees about a tank.

its ok. they do that. they arent trained correctly for specialized animals,
the good news is, everything but the substrate can go into a new screen cage!
Your cage looks good but not ideal for a chameleon. It will need to be tall rather than long. GET RID of the fishtank, it will only collect stagnent air and cause respiritory infections. I dont know what lights your using but its clear you have UVB Strip bulb of some kind and a seperate heat source, positioned to the side to allow for temp canges throughout the viv, good drills! You want a higher % for optimum UV output through mesh. In England we use Arcadia T5 lights, 6% or 12% if using through mesh.

You need to lose the substrate, it will cause you more problems than you need, plus harbour bacteria which will lead to illness. Also, live plants are better than plastic for a number of reasons, first, they help with humidity levels, second they create a more natural fauna throughout the cage, third, they are better for holding water for drinking on the leaves than plastic or silk ones. Speaking of water, is that a water dish to the right side of the tank? You dont need it if it is, if its a food bowl then the crx will jump out as its too small.
Yeah I put a lot into it trying to make it good for him, but guess I was misinformed by the Petco employees about a tank.

If you purchased it at petco, at there recomendation, I would take it back and get a refund. I have there chameleon care guide(that they are required to provide in all stores) in hand, and I quote:


Size-Appropriate size and shape to accommodate normal activity, taller than wide, with screened sides; recommend aluminum or mesh,avoid fiberglass;use a basin under the cage to catch water.

Im guessing that they didnt even show you the pamplet.
hes very cute.
But you do have a few major things wrong,
but its ok, we can fix it!

first, he should not be in a fish tank, theres no good ventilation.
a screen/mesh cage, that is taller than wider is what we all use.
a 24x24x48 is what he will need as an adult.
second- we dont put anything on the bottom of the cage.
if a cricket gets down into the substrate, adn the cham grabs the bug and the substrate, it can becoem impacted.

what lights are you using?
what supplements do you have?

Is a 30x30x71 or 29x29x72 too big? I want to have a big one. Do you think that would be ok? Can I just set it on the carpet?
Yeah I put a lot into it trying to make it good for him, but guess I was misinformed by the Petco employees about a tank.

You will do fine once you switch things up a bit. Looks like you put a lot of work into this set-up , granted it's not suited for a Cham.

You came to the rite place, i'm sure you will find everything you need to make your Cham happy and healthy.
Is a 30x30x71 or 29x29x72 too big? I want to have a big one. Do you think that would be ok? Can I just set it on the carpet?

Those are great!
bigger is always better!
and yes you can just set it on the carpet. that would be fine.
where will you get a cage that big? and its all mesh right?
Is a 30x30x71 or 29x29x72 too big? I want to have a big one. Do you think that would be ok? Can I just set it on the carpet?

No such thing. As long as they can find food and get to a basking spot without issue , you'll be good.
Those are great!
bigger is always better!
and yes you can just set it on the carpet. that would be fine.
where will you get a cage that big? and its all mesh right?

Is a 30x30x71 or 29x29x72 too big? I want to have a big one. Do you think that would be ok? Can I just set it on the carpet?

I was just about to ask that Camimom. lol

Also, you will need to have drainage from dripping and misting. So directly on the carpet is not a good idea. Maybe have it set up on a stand and have a catch pan under the cage for excess water.
I was just about to ask that Camimom. lol

Also, you will need to have drainage from dripping and misting. So directly on the carpet is not a good idea. Maybe have it set up on a stand and have a catch pan under the cage for excess water.

blah i forgot about the dripping water.
and if he can buy a cage that big, i want to know cu zten i wont have to build it!
Those are great!
bigger is always better!
and yes you can just set it on the carpet. that would be fine.
where will you get a cage that big? and its all mesh right?

Was looking at these. Basically the same I think but different sites. Anyone have recommendations on something like this? Anyone have experience with these companies?



http://www.reptarium.com/ - R260 model
I have seen thoes cages work for some people (someone on here has a huge one like the 260g, i'll try to find the thread for you. It's always good to hear and see someone's first hand experience on a product).. But i think it will be a task to get drainage situated on them. And they tend to not be as stable.

You might want to look into something like this..Bigger is better . But not if it's going to be a battle to get everything the way you like it without going crazy.

I have seen thoes cages work for some people (someone on here has a huge one like the 260g, i'll try to find the thread for you. It's always good to hear and see someone's first hand experience on a product).. But i think it will be a task to get drainage situated on them. And they tend to not be as stable.

You might want to look into something like this..Bigger is better . But not if it's going to be a battle to get everything the way you like it without going crazy.


Is that the type of cage you have?
Is that the type of cage you have?

Yes, i have one and i love it. Very sturdy and no real place for bugs to escape aside from the seem under the door. I just fold a sheet of paper and block it up and the crickets are doomed to a tongue death.

As far as drainage, the floor of the cage is a PVC plastic sheet. You can drill holes in the center for it to drain the excess water. If you have a plant in there, the weight of the plant and pot will often "bow" the middle of the PVC floor so it acts as a funnel.

Some sell a tray, which is even better.
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