Rango's late Christmas Present


New Member
My Aunt gave me this pot with 3 thick fake pieces of wood over christmas for Rango. I just got back from vacation so I finally got to put it all together! I added bamboo sticks, the smaller fake wood, the vines and some of the leaves. This is his outside jungle. I am thinking of bulding a screen around it but for now I'll just be out there with him! Enjoy (the pics are a little bright cus the sun was shineing so much!)









He reminds me of my Luie at that age. He'll love it inside or out. Just don't take your eye off of him outside they can move really fast when they want to.
He reminds me of my Luie at that age. He'll love it inside or out. Just don't take your eye off of him outside they can move really fast when they want to.

Louie is a beautiful boy, jann! Yup, i sit out there with him. I use to put him on a hibiscus and he would always get off and try to run to a nearbye tree.
Looks real nice, I wish I could have given mine some sun as a Christmas present :)
Wow he is really stunning! That is so sweet your aunt got that for you, I wish my family would give me pet gifts hehe :D
You guys that live in the warmer parts of the world are extremely lucky. I really envy you all. My chams would turn to ice if I took them outside this time of year!
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