Rate my enclosure pleaseeee

You have to re pot it in organic fertilizer free soil and wash it down with soapy water then rinse the heck out of it!! Then cover the dirt with screen or large river rocks.
I do have a habba mist. for now will that make due? let me know what setting to use.

Also, there is one leaf right to the side of the mister that holds a good amount of water - he has already found his way to it and he drinks a lot ( I have seen him) - so in that case, do i really need a dripper?

What plant can i put on the ground that will grow upwards and not outgrow the tank in 1 year's time?
By a Ficus tree at Lowes they don't use any pestasides. That can sit on the bottom of your cage.
ok i'll use pothos. but can i just put the pothos on the ground or do i have to hang it? i am not going to hang it, i want it on the ground...
If you want it to grow upwards get a dwarf umbrella plant. I've used ficus trees for 8 years and I've never had any problems with them. Ever.
Dwarf Umbrella Plant it is. Thanks.
Should I get a new pot when i repot it? Should it be a certain size in reference to the dimensions of the bottom of the cage and catching water?
A ficus would probably be better, you can trim them as you want and they grow up. (ficus trees also grow slower so it will grow with your chameleon)
If its fertile soil then report in another pot..im sure
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