REAL sunlight?


Avid Member
Does anyone take their cham outside on summer days to get some real fresh air and sun?
I suppose you could put the whole cage out side if it's not too big, or you can get your cham on your arm and take him out and find a small tree or bush and supervise him for a few hours!?
There's nothing like natural UV for a chameleon. I have a back yard full of trees where I sit and watch my guys. If you allow yours to hang on a tree you must watch every single second. I also have large outside sun cages for the times I can't get out with them.
Its great to get them some sun.:cool:

Other than what Jann mentioned, you also have to be mindful of temperatures.
Make sure they have some shade, and plenty of mistings to cool them off. If its extremely hot, I would say its not a great idea, depending on the species.
You also want to make sure the caging isnt going to blow over. ;)

I currently house mine outside, and they LOVE it!
I have a small tree in my back yard were I could put him.
I was thinking a nice sunny or mostly sunny early before it gets sweltering hot!! There are lots of shaddy places in the tree and I would be there to watch him.

Only thing is, both my neighbors have yappy little dogs that bark all the time. Would my cham hear them and freak out??!!
I take mine out all the time, she loves it. There are dogs and kids all around us and she doesn't seem to care. As long as the dogs aren't in your yard bugging your chameleon I'm sure it will be fine.
i take mine on my arm for the sunlight but where i placed the cage he gets sunlight like 30-40% of the cage ! he loves the real sunlight and he gets some crazy paterns and colors :D

just took this pic i couldnt get high quality donno where i put my cam ! but o love this pic :D
I have a small tree in my back yard were I could put him.
I was thinking a nice sunny or mostly sunny early before it gets sweltering hot!! There are lots of shaddy places in the tree and I would be there to watch him.

Only thing is, both my neighbors have yappy little dogs that bark all the time. Would my cham hear them and freak out??!!

Nope. chams are esentially deaf.
They can sort of 'hear' vibrations' but loud noises wont disturb them.

Ive had my chams near my tv at night, and as long as the light isnt shining on them from the tv, they dont stir.
Hi... I'm new to all this and I was wondering, if it's OK to let your Cham to bask in the sun in your trees, why do I have to bake branches before I put them in my viv......

Reason I'm asking is because I want to put bigger branches in my viv but my oven ain't big enough to bake them, could I just break them off my tree and use them as they are?
nothing compares to going outside with them. Its like they come out of hibernation.:D Just be careful, sun can get brutally hot fast, and chameleons like to sneak off or predators are always on the hunt.
I got a couple buckets from work . I'm gonna dig up a small tree ( about 4 1/2 feet ) and replant it in a bucket . Then when I take Lucky outside , she has a tree to climb on and I can still reach her so she can't get away .
Hi... I'm new to all this and I was wondering, if it's OK to let your Cham to bask in the sun in your trees, why do I have to bake branches before I put them in my viv......

Reason I'm asking is because I want to put bigger branches in my viv but my oven ain't big enough to bake them, could I just break them off my tree and use them as they are?

Welcome to the forum its best to ask questions in a more relivant thread or start ur own. And yes there are ways away from baking to kill alk the bacteria and parasites/insects that could be living IN the branches. I'm not gonna recommend any though for I've just baked ill leave that to the responders of YOUR OWN THREAD :) best of luck
I dont believe new members can make threads of their own. ;/

Hi... I'm new to all this and I was wondering, if it's OK to let your Cham to bask in the sun in your trees, why do I have to bake branches before I put them in my viv......

Reason I'm asking is because I want to put bigger branches in my viv but my oven ain't big enough to bake them, could I just break them off my tree and use them as they are?

Hello! Welcome to CF!

Super glad to have you here!

I use them straight from the tree myself.

Baking can kill things inside the brach, and bleach can kill things on the outside of the branch, but if I suspect it to have "things" inside it, I just dont use it. ;)
I dont believe new members can make threads of their own. ;/

Hello! Welcome to CF!

Super glad to have you here!

I use them straight from the tree myself.

Baking can kill things inside the brach, and bleach can kill things on the outside of the branch, but if I suspect it to have "things" inside it, I just dont use it. ;)

like snake said i dont bake mine either, but i only use real wood in outdoor cages.

you can spray em down with bleach or rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to kill off anything on the outside. just make sure it dries out completely. if its old dead wood and is porous or partially decomposed i would avoid that entirely. i would stick (get it? stick. lol) to thinner fresh wood.

i just dont use em indoors because of the amount of moisture in the cages and im sure they would pick up spores just being in the basement.
I have a barrel shaped spring loaded mesh hamper that has a velcro closing lid. I added vines and ivy with zip ties to the sides.

When I go out to garden or water I take him out with me. I have even taken him next door to meet the neighbors.
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