Really a few months?


New Member
Hey guys! So everything is going great, I couldn't help noticing one difference, though. The pet store told me that my little guy was going to be between 2-3 months in age [he was shipped to me.] But I've been looking at some 3 month olds.. And I have to say they outsize my little one. Could anyone try to give me a more accurate age guess? [The picture is a few weeks old but he hasn't grown anything crazy since and this is when he was allegedly a few months.]
from my experience veils have tremendous growth. its hard to tell from the pic, but yours seems to be only 3-4 wks old.
When i bought my Vaild he was just about 1 1/2 inches longer then your little guy and he was 3 months so i would say he could just be a little guy or he is more around 2 1/2 months or maybe alittle younger... he could be 3 months they seem to grow pretty fast in the first year so.. as long as he is eating/sheding/and going to the bathroom alright then there should be no worries, are you dusting your crixs and if so in what and how meny do you feed him and how do you feed him??

cute little guy reminds me of baby zem :D,

Aaron Shimp
It's hard to tell exactly how big your cham is, that looks like it might be a big leaf :) I would not be at all surprised if he was just 2 months old there. I was concerned about mine too for a short time when they were younger (and I wondered if the pet shop lied to me too, lol) because I thought they looked smaller than everyone elses.........they have different growth rates though of course, so maybe he's due a little spurt. If he's eating good though, you have little need to worry about his size :)
Alrighty, thanks! I've had him for almost a month now. He eats plenty, though he's not a huge fan of crickets. If I put a dozen pinheads in he'll gobble those up, he gets iffy if I try them any biggger. He really prefers reptiworms and silkworms, though. If I give him enough time he'll eat whatever is in his cage, though :)
And I think he may be a little behind in growth because when I got him he had parasites. So for a brand new baby I got the pleasure of force feeding, but for the last week and a half or so he's been eating plenty and showed up parasite free. :)
He could be a runt. I got a 3 month old a while back from a very reputable breeder, and he came in about that same size. I don't believe this particular breeder would have lied to me about the cham's age, so I am about 95% sure that my boy is a runt of his clutch and the breeder just didn't think it was important to tell me that.

I tried to post pictures but it won't let me since they are already posted in different threads. :mad: I guess I will just link to another thread about him so you can see my boy when he was 3 months old.

In a few months' time you will have a pretty good idea of whether he is just younger than the pet store said or if he is a runt. The reason I am almost positive that mine is a runt is because he has been growing painfully slowly (even though he eats like a bottomless pit). My female veiled (who is about the same age as him) is more than twice his size. And from what I've seen, she is average-sized for a ~5 month old veiled.
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