I actually wanted to SEND THE ANIMAL BACK provided I could stabilize her prior to shipment. The seller doesn't want the animal back and I know it's not in this chams best interest to be sent back, anyway. I can't imagine shipping one this small to begin with. I just find it appalling to be accused of starving the animal. It's beyond unacceptable. Who would do that? So damn stupid and it speaks volumes about the seller, IMHO.
For those interested, the cham is still alive. $100 later, overnight from Joshs should be here tomorrow. With a tiny bit of luck she will take to the food immediately.
All she said was if you don't order food for her and feed her you would be starving her which you would. Why in the world would you order a chameleon ask what she is eating and not get the food before she got there? You talk about what a fan of this forum you are then you should know all about gut loading. You should have had food crix, flies, or something appropriate sized for an 6-8 week old chameleon waiting for when she got there. She was probably in a box with no food for a minimum of 16 hrs babies need to eat 2x a day the food should have been there for her not in a store so you had to go get it.
And as for the size I have a clutch of 21 that started hatching out on the 3rd of July and finished up on the 6th. I have babies that are smaller than that one of yours and others that are 3-4 times as big. They grow at different rates I have had to keep dividing mine up in to smaller groups according to size. I wouldn't ship one the size of the one you recieved but that's me. I saw that ad on Fauna and thought wow they are small to be shipping but you saw the same ad and ordered one. You asked for a small girl what did you expect?
That one you got looks just like the ones in the picture small. Hopefully you get your food tomorrow an she does fine. But you ordered a small 6-8 week old chameleon and had no food ready for it that is on you not the seller.