Hi everyone, Im new to this forum and last sunday I purchased my first Chameleon, and Ambilobe Red Bar Panther Male, 10 months old. Now I work at the Reptile store I bought it from, and while I cared for him there he ate like a Champ for 2 months. Ate anything from Goliaths, to Butters, Crickets and Pinkies, didnt care if he had to hunt or take from the tongs with or without using his tongue. Now since He came home Sunday hes eaten once (on Sunday, 1 male Dubia and 4 Super worms, its worth noting that when he shot his tongue for the super the super did NOT stick to his tongue so I fed him the insects by placing them infront of his face) and defecated twice, on Tuesday and Today they were very LARGE defecations. Now he is temporarily in a glass aquarium that is only 16"high (its a 33 gallon, Ill provide pics later) He is being heated with a Solar glow bulb, 1 inch away from the bulb reads 93F, at 8 Inches its 80F and the ambient is about 77-79 F. I know that 93 is a bit hot but this is all temperary as my XL ReptiBreeze (24 x 24 x 48) Should arrive tomorrow. as for Humidity he is getting misted heaviuly for 1 minute atleast once per day and I do see that he is drinking. Something else to note is that today he was biting and "licking"the glass this morning, I assumed he was hungry, but He has refused butters and supers yet again today, wether by tongs or if i leave them in a 5 inch deep kritter keeper in his cage. Also whenever I open his screen lid he tries to dart out. What Im thinking is the cage is simply too short and he has not enough room to climb and this is stressing him, but that it'll be resolved as sooin as I get the larger cage tomorrow, But This is my first Cham so Id like all of your expert opinions just to be on the safe side, thank you!