BKO Overdrive
Established Member
So my Female Vieled layed her first batch of egg (infertile) on Jan 20th of this year. Shes been doing great and shes been a very pretty lady. Shes rude but i respect her lol. Well its now April, ive never bred her and ive fed her 8 large crickets every other day with the usual dusting of supplements and gut loading. Well last week i saw some colors ive seen before....her receptive colors. grant it I just got her a nice new big plant and shes been loving that, she used to be to my knowledge slightly stressed out because she was out in the open. But when we got her a new plant her color has changed to a non stressed tone. Well she had her bright green with teal and yellow spots. Shes crawling all over the place....so that tells me it might be time soon? Shes not even fat or remotely that big as she was last time. Do they lay eggs that fast back to back?