Red baby Velied?


New Member
I am hoping he is just showing his special red colors. What do you guys think? Kinda worried he might be sick or something. I feed carrot's to the Dubia's so maybe its from that?


Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon, Male, and 4 months. Been in care for 2 Months.
Handling - NEVER
Feeding - Dubia's,Amount is how many he wants?as much as he wants per day
Supplements - RepCall Calcium ever other day.
Watering - Monsoon mister alteast once every 2 hours.
Fecal Description - Half Brown/Black and other half Very White
History - N/A

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Exo Terra Natural Terrarium Large/X-Tall 90 x 45 x 90 cm / 36” x 18” x 36” (WxDxH)
Lighting - Exo Terra 5.0 and 3 1k lumems plant bulbs
Temperature - Floor is from 73-78 dgs basking is 80-90 dgs.
Humidity - 60-100%
Plants - Real Plants from LLLreptile not sure what kinds.
Placement - In the corner of my room. I am useing a compter fan ontop of his cage for better ventalation.
Location - San Diego California

Current Problem - skin color
When I got my first female I was told that she went through a 'pink' phase and for a while she was quite pink. I didn't get her until she was 6 months old and she was her normal green colour when I got her.
That looks like a female not a male. A male would have a bigger casque and spurs on it's rear feet. Your supplements should be:

Calcium w/o D3 at every feeding
Calcium w D3 twice a month
Multi vitamin twice a month

You will also need a laying bin in her cage as she is getting to the age where she could start laying eggs.

Not sure on the coloring as I've never owned a female.
i think you have a girl.

male casques, even at that age, should be taller and more pointy looking.

can you post a pic of the back feet.

and she/he looks just fine. just darker to absorb heat.
im not a expert but the back of the feet kinda have a point to them but i dont really see a spur so it could be female
I Purchased him/her from FLchams as a male so im gonna be pissed if it turns out to be a female. If so i hope they have a trade in policy of some sort. :eek:
im sure they will get you taken care of just make sure you message them about it so you know for sure.
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