Red Bar Ambilobe Sexing



New member here and first time chameleon keeper, I am hoping that someone will be able to help me sex this chameleon?

I believe it is a male, just looking for confirmation, got him around 2 weeks ago and he should be around 3-4 months old.



Thanks in advance,

New member here and first time chameleon keeper, I am hoping that someone will be able to help me sex this chameleon?

I believe it is a male, just looking for confirmation, got him around 2 weeks ago and he should be around 3-4 months old.

View attachment 357706

View attachment 357705

Thanks in advance,
Hi and welcome! Congrats with this cutie 😍. I’m not good at this but my first guess and bet would be female. Because I can’t see a hemi-bulge at base of the tail, after 3-4 months this should normally be slowly visible..
Thanks for the reply Sonny, Im hoping someone experienced in this can chime in too! I was looking for and was sold this chameleon as a male.
That’s the thing, I don’t know from what age you could notice the bulge. Hopefully, someone with more experience about this can give us that answer.

Except that you probably paid too much if it’s a female, I would still say that I love the females as well. The purple / pink dinosaurs with a sweet character, but I understand also why males are more popular.

Lets hope I’m wrong with my bet.
That’s the thing, I don’t know from what age you could notice the bulge. Hopefully, someone with more experience about this can give us that answer.

Except that you probably paid too much if it’s a female, I would still say that I love the females as well. The purple / pink dinosaurs with a sweet character, but I understand also why males are more popular.

Lets hope I’m wrong with my bet.
Thanks for all your input! It was from a breeder so I'd like to think they got it right
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