Red Eye TRee Frog

The salamander fond his own way in and has resided there for over 6 months now as well as the cricket frogs. They have survived fine in my environment and my Red eye is over a year old now. I removed the UVB and use a Sunlight bulb. It simulated daylight and thus, allows him to know when its nighttime as it goes off at 7pm. He may not "need" it but I think its beneficial to his internal clock and he has been doing great with it. He has tripled in size and is a healthy eater. Besides, in the wild, he would coexist with other reptiles and amphibians. I dont know that he is CB anyways.But thank you for your opinion.:)

and Im gonna check on the guy that is selling them. they wanted 35 for ababy at Aquatic Critter but they were 1/3 of my guys size and I know thats not a good combo so I need am older/larger one so thanks for the info.

Rachel, you get any at the show?

Here is a pic of my redeye and the salamander hanging out at the local watering hole having a chat. (and the dirt is just from the salamander coming in from the soil into the water where he likes to hang out when he wakes up)

Even if your red eye tree frog is WC, he is never going to come into contact with frogs from your local streams. It causes so much extra stress when you mix different frogs from different parts of the world like that.

Just my opinion though.
I appreciate that. The frogs are so small, I dont think you would even know they are in there. They eat and enjoy life. I might consider releasing them this summer if I canot convince my daughter who has named them..

I welcome all comments and thank you for taking the time.:)
I just bought 3 CBB baby red eye tree frogs from Chris also they are in great condition and the service was very good.
Cant do it.. I dont think the guy would sell to me anyways after what I did...Thanks for the heads up though. I messaged a guy on kingsnake.. Hope it works out. The petstore keeps saying they will get one for me but havent in 6 months now..
Sorry to here that you are having a problem finding them. My local reptile shop seems to always have them in stock.
Awww what a cute little froggy. If i knew where to get some of these I would get some myself :D
Thanks. I should be getting 3 babies in a few weeks. I'll PM you.
Got my babies!!!

3 baby CB red eyes! They are adorable. Look great and are soo small, dime sized. Active. Sorry, I do not have a macro lens and they are tiny so its hard to get a good close pic without fuzzy/distortion.

They are being quarantined in a 10 gallon Hex for now untilt hey are large enough to put in with my 1 yr old Red Eye.
Baby Pics!

Here are a few baby pics. This is only one of the three. The other 2 hide very very well but this guy likes the attention and is always hopping around. Thats my stubby pointer finger...


And I thoroughly wash my hands before and after. I dont use latex gloves as they can be more harmful. It took about 30 seconds from start to finish to snatch these pics and he went on to eat a very yummy cricket afterwards.:)
Updated Pics

I am so thrilled. i haven't seen them eat yet. I plan on getting a FF culture going or buying one from someone.. whatever happens first.. They are quite active though. (Again, I do not have a macro and these guys are only dime sized, so its hard to get as upclose as I want..)
over here in AZ.. they got a kinda albino but more lution version of the red eye tree frog, but the crazy thing is, there skin is yellow and there eyes are yellow.
Eh, they will be in their own tank for about 9 months until they are large enough so he doesnt think they are a midnight snack...

Burp is about 2 quarters next to each other..these guys are dime sized so significant difference.

They are cute and active..
What the heck are these!?

These are in my frog tank. I use nothing other than crickets right now, so Im not sure what is pupating as these pop up every couple of weeks. They are pretty big too. Could they come in the soil of the plants I buy or perhaps my own since its kept outside?

And my Avatar which is just him looking in the mirror.
My babies are growing big.. One concern.. I noticed last night one has then reddish dots (2) on his butt.. The other 2 babie sdont have it. I was concerned as if this was a cricket bite? There are free roam crickets. The frogs sleep high in the plant ants and the crickets are not able to get into the plants, but hang out at the bottom on a lava rock (they love it for some reason!)..but at night when the babies are down, its possible to be attacked as I do not provide food for the crickets int eh tank as they arent in there long... I will try to get a pic of it later on today.
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