red rudis mouth problem


New Member
yesterday i recieved a 1.1 pair of red rudis chams. i also ordered some frogs the website was out of and when i got the package there was a note on the reciept that said they only had 1 male left and he has "nose rub" and they didnt have the frogs i ordered. to offset the price and since the male had a problem they sent me a second female. The problem is not only do i know nothing about "nose rub" nor was i expecting or prepared for a third cham the second female has the same problem as the male. i didnt take pics of her however any info on this problem would be greatly appreciated cause i think i am in over my head on this one. here is a few pics of the male the females mouth looks just like his.
rudis mouth1.jpg

rudis mouth2.jpg

rudis mouth3.jpg
your chameleon has a bad mouth infection. you better get him to a vet asap.

your chameleon will need checked over for other infection as usually a mouth infection is a secondary infection. blood work, fecal is where i would start.

please pm me the site that sold you that as a nose rub.
WOW... i have an idea who. like was said ya need to get them to a vet ya say the female he gave you has same prob.
I guess I know which nice person this was... if you will get into problems getting your money back or something like this, visit faunaclassifieds
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