Red runner help...


Avid Member
I am having a serious problem that if i cant find a solution to im going to have to get rid of them. I am having a problem with only the nymphs and females getting out. Never see a male out NEVER! These #$$^$%& are getting past about 12 inches of olive oil and the top of the bin lined with shipping tape. Luckily they are over my bearded bins. So they are falling into cages but still dont know if any are making past it. I dont want to even think about it. Im going to try a very thick layer of vaseline next.

For those that keep this roach please tell me how to keep them contained.
I am having a serious problem that if i cant find a solution to im going to have to get rid of them. I am having a problem with only the nymphs and females getting out. Never see a male out NEVER! These #$$^$%& are getting past about 12 inches of olive oil and the top of the bin lined with shipping tape. Luckily they are over my bearded bins. So they are falling into cages but still dont know if any are making past it. I dont want to even think about it. Im going to try a very thick layer of vaseline next.

For those that keep this roach please tell me how to keep them contained.

Let me see pics of your set up . Also what kind of bin do you have and don't use oil they can use that to climb.
Vaseline kept mine in, when I was breeding Lobsters and Hissers. (The lobsters wound up out anyhow, since I would lose them while feeding--I don't recommend that species, lol).

There used to be a great product called Bug Stop that you could paint around the top rim, but I believe the manufacturer went out of business.

I think folks are using this now:

Here's information about fluon on an ant forum:
A very, very thin layer of olive oil always keeps mine in. If it's enough to drip, it's too much. Mine can't climb smooth containers anyways though...
Here is the set up they are in now. It does have a lid witha cut out with screen glued on. They were in a set up just like what the discoides are in except the egg crates only went half way up the side.




Nothing like a hisser but these guys get pretty big :) They will crawl right onto my hand and eat right out of it.

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What type of containers do you use sandra?

Ferret: LOL! Wait till one climbs on you for the first time. They literally stick to you so you have to give them a good fling or take them off of you..
Actually, I had problems with the red racers, squeezing under the acrylic bottoms in the screen cages and escaping.
Lol, they are very "clingy".

The only thing that creeps me out now, is if a discoid is stuck on its back.
;/ THAT is some creepy shiz...
Set up looks ok . I wouldn't lay egg flats flat lol. That makes it harder for the eggs to go to the bottem and keep from drying out ... I would use a taller bin. I use a smooth trash can with lots of tape and it works good.
GOOD suggestion! Trash can seems like the ticket.

I actually just put those cartons in flat for the first time today. I have only been keeping these guys for about 8-9 months give or take. Learn something new everyday :) im still going to try some cartons flat but if i notice any issues i will definitely know what the deal is. Thank you for that tip.
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