Red spots on Male Jackson please help!!!


New Member
So my jackson Thor just recently got 2 red sport behind his arms one on each side and they won't go away. I don't know if he w.c but I am pretty sure he was. So my question is what does that mean? It only started happening after I got my veiled. They are a foot apart with divides so they can't see each other. They had a run in a few weeks ago. My veiled climbed down her free range tree and walked on over to his across the room and climbed up it. So could it possible be stress? The skin looks irritated to me the only thing that is weird is that it is on the same spot on both sides. Is there any food or supplement I could give him to help? I know he loves his cage because he gets so green you can barely see him sitting on his branch. I have the temp and humidity levels set properly and he has tones of hiding spots. I am just really confused cause he never has done this and he loves coming out of his cage he sits at the front waiting for me to take him to his tree everyday except for the last few. So if anyone knows anything please help! I will get pics tomorrow cause their lights are off. Thanks!

I'm sorry your chameleon is scaring you. Sometimes it seems like they live to scare us.

I recommend you complete this form:

Just follow the link, copy the questions, paste them into a reply and add your info. Be very specific. What brand and power of bulbs, what brands of supplements, what does the poop look like (fecal description....don't say "normal").

I think in your case pictures are going to be extremely helpful so if you can get some, please do.

All that might just be a marking. They are not always green everywhere. I have one I sometimes call "the brown guy" (because I have one that is super green all the time, he's "the green guy").
Are you sure it's discolouration of the skin? I'm thinking it could be mites. It's likely considering the "spots" only started showing since you acquired your other cham. If they aren't mites I'm not sure what else they could be. Maybe some kind of fungus?
Can you post some pictures?
Sorry for the pics being a little crappy but does this help at all???? So the spots behind his arms aren't as bad now but under his neck is a weird red. I am just needing to know if this is bad or if I should get stuff to treat mites??


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So I'm wondering if he recently shedded... Mine got the same color during the time he was shedding and after a nice shower it almost all came off (He was dirty from rubbing on the tree). Might wana give him a shower and see what happens :D
the only red i see, is in the last photo of the gular (neck) area, red hues in this area and in the armpits is a common coloration, red spots (flecks) on the other hand could be a warning flag of something, but imo his behavior is probably a more important indicator.

hes a great looking boy and i would like to see him stay that way. he is looking a little heavy, which imo, is not good for overall health or longevity, that being said it might be prudent to try leaning him up a little.

imo, doesnt really matter what you use to clean for mites. there is no safe cleaner that prevents mites. mites can literally explode overnite, so the only answer is to correct the conditions that attract them. excessive feeder debris, shed skin, feces, substrate, dead leaves, loose free roaming feeders, potted plants that have not had soil-less, soil replacement, having feeder bins (especially grain based mealworm bins) fruitfly stations, or other noncham reptiles like constrictors, pythons etc, all encourage mites.

whether mites are a problem or not depends on the infestation levels and the specific kind of mites, generally speaking red mites would be the most concerning.

empty cages are easily santized by spraying them with a 15-20% bleach/water solution and let sit for about 20 min and rinse well. bleach is usda approved for use with food contact surfaces, sanitizes well and is made from salt water and reverts back to saltwater shortly after being oxidized, so imo, safer than most other commercial mite cleaners.

its important to understand the dynamics of mite propagation if you are to get rid of them. if your cage or animal is laden with mites then it is a reasonable assumption that there is also a substantial resident population of mites outside the cage but in the cage vicinity. in order to get rid of them , you first need to figure out why they are there and correct those conditions and sanitize the overall immediate area, or else they will just be back in a matter of days. since mites are smaller than a grain of sand, just wiping down the cage will not be sufficient. imo assuming you have a mite infestation the entire cage needs to be emptied, sprayed, and nothing placed back in it until it has been sanitized or replaced, especially a potted plant.

most common reptile mites can be seen with the naked eye, so not much magnification is required, but imo, a nice large lighted magnifying glass is a great tool for determining mite populations and helping to manage them.

i dont recommend the pest strip method mentioned in this article, but it is a very informative article never the less. jmo
Yeah he had a problem with not eating when I first got him. Over the last few weeks has been eating a lot better so I am I going to slim his diet. I started a new gutloading process and him and my other cham go nuts over them! I am just happy he is eating a lot more now!
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