Regulating temperature


New Member
Hello all,

I'm in the process of fabricating a temperature control system, and need some input.

In essence, temperature sensors do what they do, sense temperature, and when it gets too hot, they react to lower it, or vice versa.

So, my first thought is, temp>90*, turn off the heat lamp. I've done it before on some really stuffy days, as well as it going out when a bulb dies. My cham definitely notices this, and stares at the roof of the enclosure for a while. No signs of stress from him, but I also haven't attempted to experiment with it.

So, long story short, would having the heat lamp turn on and off during the day be bad for the chameleon? As long as the temperature is high enough in his basking spot/rest of cage, I can't logically see why it would be an issue. I do sometimes think it could be stressful though, thoughts?
I have my basking light on a proportional controller. If the temp on his basking site goes over 87 the light dims slightly until the temperature drops. If the temperature goes over 89 the light shuts off completely. I haven't noticed any reaction from my Cham but I do run 4 daylight lamps as well as a uv lamp and that keeps his ficus tree nice and bushy. Some people say that's a lot of light but he can get shade by going into his tree which he dose from time to time.

I can see how the basking light suddenly going out may startle him if its one of the only sources of bright light in the enclosure.

Now this is a bit overboard but my fluorescent lamps are all dimmable and set to simulate sun-up and sun-down. I do personally feel that if a cham is suddenly plunged into darkness or all of a sudden the lights just come on full bore that it definitely can be a source of stress.
I can see where having additional lights would help the issue... I have been needing to get a grow light, so maybe that will help. The dimming effect is nice too, might have to incorporate a variable resistor

I've also considered using computer fans to regulate, as they're quiet, cheap, and designed for regulating very high temperatures(in a much, much smaller area though). Anyone done this? How well do they work?

I get I need to answer my own questions with a little experimentation...
I think if you are willing and able to control temps better with lights going off and on it should be great for your Cham. I haven't been there but I assume the sun goes behind a tree, or goes behind a cloud in their natural envirerment.:)
Heat bulb?

What type of heat bulb is recommended? daylight, halogen, tightbeam or spotlight? What wattage for a 2-3 month chameleon?
I think if you are willing and able to control temps better with lights going off and on it should be great for your Cham. I haven't been there but I assume the sun goes behind a tree, or goes behind a cloud in their natural envirerment.:)
^^^ ya, this was my thinking too.
the uvb light will still be on, so its not like total darkness, just a temporary reduction in light.
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