repashy bug burger


New Member
was just wondering how much can a 6oz jar pr watever size is good enought to last me a week or two ? and can this be used as a good gutload for my crickets
That should last you ages! I personally give it dry as it doesn't go bad as quick if it isn't eaten quick enough.
I was using bug burger to suppliment my dry gut load and veggies - I find it you need to get very good at figuring how much to give - I recently tried "Cricket Crack" and I prefer it - I've had less dying crickets -
We also have bearded dragons so I also give the crickets pretty much the same salads as I give the dragons and add in the cricket crack - I've tried some of the receipts from sandrachameleon but usually find that getting all the ingredient at the same time when I need them takes a lot of time and getting around this winter hasn't been as easy - excuses -excuses but since I got the crack my crickets seem healthier so I'm less likely to drive around looking till spring.
A jar of bug burger would last me a couple of weeks- once you put it in with the crickets they either eat it or it goes bad quickly so figuring out the amount to give them is where I had problems.
If you decide to use bug burger you still should add the fresh stuff too from what I've read (and from my limited experience) - with the cricketcrack you need to also have a source of moisture and the fresh fruits & veggies provide that.
I've read that Bug Burger has better ingredients than the other brands sold at pet stores and is way better than the orange cubes and such but I did find that my chameleons seem healthier the healthier their crickets and other feeders are.
6oz of BB wont last very long if you mix it the way your supposed to in the instructions. I use 2 cups of water to 1/2 heaping cup of bb. I make it on the stovetop, not microwave. So 6oz would only make one batch.
You do need to be carefull how big a piece you give the cricks because they are so stupid, they actually drown or suffocate in it if its too large a piece.
I am always finding dead cricks under the bb and other wet fruits and veggies I put in there.
I personally have a 16 oz and it's totally worth the money I boil the water to make mine they seem to love it and also use cricket crack as dry gut load along with some veggs occasionally my Cham never protested eating so far how old is yours :)
tanks on the input guys :) i guess i'll be getting both bb and cricket crack then :cool: and i have to chameleons , both females a jackson and veiled they are both juveniles but i do not kno the age of either of them:mad: ikno for sure they cant be older then 7 months
When my current batch is gone, I'm making my next batch in ice cube trays. Makes nice little single-serving morsels. I got the idea from someone who has a clutch brother of my Kammerflage Nosy Be.
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