Repashy Calcium Plus and Arcadia T5HO 12% D3+ lighting


Hi all,

Im hoping that this post is in the right section.

I was wondering for those that are using the Arcadia T5HO lighting and Repashy Calcium Plus, have you had to make any adjustments to the supplement regimen?

The reason I ask is that I recently changed supplementation from the usual:
  1. Plain calcium every feed
  2. With D3 twice a month
  3. Zoo Med Reptivite twice a month

to the Repashy Calcium Plus at every feed.

Could the combination of Repashy Calcium Plus and the 12% T5HO Arcadia bulb be too much for chameleons given the levels of D3 in the supplement and the chams own ability to form D3?
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Its a very confusing subject. Anyhow i had a similar question on 18/8 'confused about supplements' and got goon reply from Sandra which might help you. At work and on phone so cant get link for you. Hope it helps.
It's complicated, but u dont need to get neurotic over it either.

Need to think about what u are feeding your chams and what u are gutloading with, plus how much real sunlight your chams get and how old they are. Also, montane species are a little different in their needs.

I only dust my cricks and roachs, not worms or other rare feeders.
Noogie gets his food Calcium plus dusted about 2 times a week.
Topaz and Squee get theirs every other day or so, and Smeagol gets his about twice a week, because he loves to eat fresh fruit and leafy greens.

Please keep in mind, Repashy CP is a SUPLIMENT!! not part of a diet.
Just like we take vitamins to replace certain foods we are not getting, etc. same with your cham.
Dont cake the dust on your feeders indiscriminatly.

I use Repashy CP for dusting ONLY, nothing else. I use Aracadia HO 6% UVB, and have measured it with my UV meter. It is really 6% like they say (ZooMed bulbs and NOT consistent).
I do not recommend any higher %UV for chams, and Arcadia bulbs measure exactly the same output weather through black screen (Reptibreeze) or plain air!
Test one yourself, then test a ZooMed Reptisun and see a big difference ;)

Does any of that help, or am I just needlessly rambling!!?? ;) :p
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