repashy superfood chameleon calcium plus question

bacon dreams

New Member
I got this supplement but it says to use it on every feeding but it contains d3, does anyone use it every day like its recommends, just concerned, i read post saying that its really good! pls reply.
The jury is out on that one. There has been a lot written on calcium +. What kind of cham do you have? I have a panther and i dont feel confidant to give it daily but give it once or twice a week depending on feeder. You will find lots of debates on here about the subject. Some use it quite happily.:)
I got this supplement but it says to use it on every feeding but it contains d3, does anyone use it every day like its recommends, just concerned, i read post saying that its really good! pls reply.

It all depends on you're cham...i only use it like 2 or 3 times a month.there's a couple of threads on repashy calcium plus.try to search for it on the forums...i would give u the links but I'm on my phone...
i have a panther cham, the guy at the pet store said he gave it every day but when i saw it contains d3 got me thinking
It is meant to be a daily, but with chameleon vitamin supplements, it is probably best to be conservative and focus on gutload.

Also, the amount of D3 from sun or bulbs should be considered. If the cham is getting a lot of outside time or has a 10.0 reptisun or an Arcadia T5HO, the D3 supplemented should be reduced.

That said, I use Calcium plus mixed 50/50 with plain calcium on about 60% of their diet (crickets, roaches, superworms) and not on the other 40% (silkworms, hornworms, butterworms, flies).

Hope that helps more than confuses.. :D It is not a simple question
I got this supplement but it says to use it on every feeding but it contains d3, does anyone use it every day like its recommends, just concerned, i read post saying that its really good! pls reply.

I personally wouldnt use it daily, or at every feed. I use it mixed 50-50 with mineral-O, about 5 - 8 times a month (which I think is comparable to using it unmixed about once a week). If its of interest to you, you can see detailed logs of what my panther chameleons eat and what supplements are used here:

How often to use supplements (of any brand) will depend on how you gutload, what feeders/prey you offer, the age, sex and type of chameleon, the amount of UVB or sunshine it gets, etc.

Some people do use Repashy calcium+ at every feeding, others have have build-up problems with such regular use, some (like me) choose to use it about once a week and use vitamin free calcium the rest of the time. Lots of options - again it depends on your particular situation as to what would be best.
I use it twice a week as Simba is indoors all the time with it being Winter, so only getting artificial UVB.

When he goes out in the Summer, which I've got the sun fully booked for this year LOL!! and gets some real UVB, I intend to reduce to once per week.

I gutload all feeders really well, and some are high in calcium anyway so no need to dust them.

Check out Sandras blogs! They really helped me with gutloading and supplementing ;)

I have to say, it smells so nice I could eat it myself!!!

Is that just me having a weird pregnancy craving or does anyone else agree?? LOL!!! :D
I don't feel comfortable using it more often than once a week or so and use a plain calcium without D3 the rest of the time. I personally like to rely on my gutload for my chameleons and use supplements less often than some people. Only you can decide what is best for your situation.
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