

Avid Member

I'm not sure if anyone has seen these or used these.. but any comments?

I am considering getting one of these. It is a less expensive option compared to LLL's incubator.

(note: I will be using this for Rhacodactylus, I don't think my females are done laying unfortunately and the styrofoam and icepack trick is too much work heh.)

EDIT: Nevermind, I see it just heats, I am a dork! But on the bright side, it does adjust humidity levels.
So I may not be using it but hey, just putting it out there for you guys. :p
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I have never heard of or seen the Zoo Med incubator before. Thanks for posting it.
I see where it says there is a heating element, but it also says "Temperature control range from 59°F to 104°F (15°C to 40°C)." Doesn't that mean it can also cool to 59 degrees, or am I interpreting this wrong?
Either way, the LLLReptile Pro incubator has a wider range.
Doesn't that mean it can also cool to 59 degrees, or am I interpreting this wrong?
Either way, the LLLReptile Pro incubator has a wider range.

EDIT: Nevermind, I see it just heats,

Yes, it (LLL's) does have a wider range and cools. I made a boo boo.
This is a new zoo med product. The advantage it has is humidity, however. Unless the LLL one has it too and I am just blind tonight.
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The LLL one is the same as this:
Only, you know, more expensive... <lol>

They come from the same manufacturer, the LLL one is just dressed up a little with a logo and new buttons. I asked them what the difference was between them. The lack of an answer is all the answer I needed.

People had tried the ThinkGeek fridge/warmer with beardie eggs when it first came out, and found that it works perfectly fine, which is probably why some of these guys decided to get it and dress it up for reptile incubation.
Anyhow, you can get this 'incubator' for the same price as the Zoo Med one. Thought you should know. ;)

The LLL incubator doesn't have a humidity gauge, of course--it's a mini-fridge. lol.
Yes, there is a thread about that here many of us have read. :)

Did you pop over from Pangea? I think I made a post about it there.
zoo med incubator

I have never heard of or seen the Zoo Med incubator before. Thanks for posting it.
I see where it says there is a heating element, but it also says "Temperature control range from 59°F to 104°F (15°C to 40°C)." Doesn't that mean it can also cool to 59 degrees, or am I interpreting this wrong?
regardless of what its advertizing implies, the zoo med has no ability to cool, it is just a simple foam tub, with a simple vacuformed clear plastic top (+ heat tape and thermostat of course). i suppose it would cool to 59*, if you were in a 59* room long enough. lol/ i think what they mean is, that is the lowest end of the thermostat range,i think even if it were in a 50* room the lowest temp it could maintain and still be turned on would be 59* / it might not be a bad little incubator, if it were $50, but for $100-120, a person would be better off getting a mr-148 or a reptipro 5000 for $150 plus shipping ./ but please, dont get me started on the whole mr-148/rp5000 thing. jmo
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Thinkgeek now sells the mr-148 for $99. Its the same as lll reptile and reptipro5000. Its 25 liters.
mr148 vs rp5000

Thinkgeek now sells the mr-148 for $99. Its the same as lll reptile and reptipro5000. Its 25 liters.
the mr-148 is 20 liters, the reptipro is 25 liters. assuming they are measured to the same criteria that makes the reptipro about 20% larger. . lll is out of stock until the end of may, so if you need one now, that doesnt really do any good. there has been considerable previous debate about their similarities. you may be interested in this previous thread. https://www.chameleonforums.com/reptipro-5000-a-30814/. reptipro is now sold on ebay for $150+shipping, it should be noted that is considerably less than what they used to sell for. jmo
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i have the thinkgeek fridge right in front of me. It is 25 liter. it is the same dimensions as the reptipro5000 and the lll reptile mr-148. Its 13 x 15 x 19 inches. The thinkgeek website list the old model dimensions. They are now selling the 25 liter model for $99. If u would like i will take pictures so u can see its the same as the reptipro5000 and lll reptiles mr-148. The box says mr-148 and 25 liters.
ultra liters?

oh i believe you. i was just going by the info posted on their website http://www.thinkgeek.com/homeoffice/gear/6ad2/ they list it as 20 "ultra liters"? so appearently their website is not up to date with what they are selling. i was suspecting that might be the case, i was only going by the info provided. and it seemed odd that they would make two different sizes that were so close together. i have contended on previous occassions that they were the same unit, i even challenged the reptipro guy to substantiate his claims of improved parts but he never replied. (back then they were going for $249 from rp) in this thread, post #16 https://www.chameleonforums.com/reptipro-5000-a-30814/ now rp sells them on ebay for around $150, but i still dont see any advantage over an mr148, as far as i am concerned, they are and have been the exact same thing. now it is nice to actually hear it first hand. what i dont get is why anyone would buy a zoo med reptibator for $100-125, or a reptipro 5000 for $130-150+, if they can get an mr 148 for $100
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The thinkgeek fridge fluctuates 4 degrees. If you put it on 66 it goes from 66 to 70 then cools back down to 66 and so on. LLL had a post on here saying the one they carry has less fluctuation. Not that I think fluctuating by 4 degrees is a big deal and has worked fine for a few montane clutches. I would save my money and go with the thinkgeek one.
i would just get a standard hova-bator. If you want digital, you can just turn up the conventional thermostat that comes on it to full heat, and plug it into a digital thermostat for like heat matts or other herp heating elements, that would cost alot less than that.
i would just get a standard hova-bator. If you want digital, you can just turn up the conventional thermostat that comes on it to full heat, and plug it into a digital thermostat for like heat matts or other herp heating elements, that would cost alot less than that.
That is not what most people use the thinkgeek fridge for, we use them for cooling purposes, not the heating.
All I know is that REPTIBATOR sounds like the job title for someone who collects "samples" from male reptiles for artificial breeding...

Or better yet --

"Jimmy just plays with his chameleon too much."

"Yeah, he's such a reptibator."

"Yeah. Yo dude! Stop reptibating and come look for some salamanders with us!"

Oh I use MR-148..
the zoo med incubator doesn't cool the incubator if a tempiture climb is detected. The LLL 'fridge' will cool the incubator if the inside temp climbs. It actually regulates the temp, rather than turning off the heater. The zoo med works a lot like the hovabator.

the LLL 'fridge' or incubator is worth the money if you ask me. My carpet eggs look great and are kept right around the temp I want even though the room gets warm and cold, the eggs stay the same temp.

The only way the heat element style incubators work is if the room the incubator is kept in is cooler (at all times) than the temp you want to keep your eggs at.
The thinkgeek fridge fluctuates 4 degrees. If you put it on 66 it goes from 66 to 70 then cools back down to 66 and so on. LLL had a post on here saying the one they carry has less fluctuation. Not that I think fluctuating by 4 degrees is a big deal and has worked fine for a few montane clutches. I would save my money and go with the thinkgeek one.

im sorry but your are incorrect. I have been monitoring the temp for the past week. The thinkgeek fridge, which again is the same thing as lll reptile and reptipro that are selling for alot more, is holding temp within one degree. The only flucuations is the on the digital readout of the fridge is off by two degrees. There is a degree or so difference from top to bottom. This thing holds heat way better then a fish box with a wafer thermostat i mean a hovabator.
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