Reptiglo or Reptisun???


Avid Member
What is the difference between these two. Which one is better and which one would you recommend? What are the specialties of both?
Their about the same. Reptisun is everyones top fav. but reptiglo is like number two. I have a reptiglo 5.0.

And yes you can buy a small kit to come with the mistking that allows you to add on. I think its in the check out section you can add more things to your order.
they're pretty close, I read a report some place (yeah I know) that repti-sun was closer to the natrual sun light or some such, I've also heard repti-glo starts to degrade (the UVB output) sooner than repti-sun so it should be changed more often , but I don't have a UVB metor so I can not confirm that.

if it's the tube style I think either work fine (stay way from Zilla tho, or so I've heard) just be aware the repti-glo may need changed sooner (I think 6 months is recomened vs 9 months for repti-sun, of coarse if you have a UVB meter you can take the guess work out of it and wait till the output starts dropping off)
i use both...and i think that most people change out the repti-glo every 6 months and the reptisun every 8 or so months
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