Reptile Expo

I'm thinking about going to an upcoming expo by me (these things are rare for the metro NY area). What should i expect at the expo? I assume animals/supplies for sale. But what else goes on there ?
That's pretty much it lol. We have one once a month and it's usually just a room full of venders with animals and supplies. I like to go to look for deals and check out the reptiles. A lot of vendors here have reptiles you can handle so that's fun for my son.
where is this expo?

I live in manhattan and would love to check it out if its in the metro area? can you send me the dettails or link? thanks alot
? I assume animals/supplies for sale. But what else goes on there ?

The real question is, what doesn't go on there.

If you are new to the hobby, I suggest you stick to purchasing supplies or feeders you might need. The reason being not all animals at a reptile show are healthy. If you get a sick animal you could have a hard time contacting the seller as opposed to when you buy from your local reptile store you have a rapport you can fall back on if you need help.
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