Reptisun 5.0 just died


New Member
After onlily two days!!!!!!

I have to go to work and won't be back until later on. Should I turn on the standard flouredcent tube that came with the fixture or leave it off all together?
simple doesn't matter.
just get a new bulb when you can, all will be well in the end.

Wow that was quick... probably a manufacturing issue. The only other thing I've known to blow bulbs quick was too much vibration.

I use the black heat bulbs for some of my other herps at night and the high wattage ones blow after a week or two. Its ridiculous.

Sorry to hear it, I know those bulbs aren't cheap. In my area the only way I can get a new bulb typically is to order one online, which sucks if it is an emergency! I'm real rural and the very few pet shops in a 2 hour radius don't have what I need.

I don't have a cham yet so I'd wait for someone with experience to give you more advice, but when this happened with my bearded dragon and I had to wait like a week for a Reptisun 10.0, I had a flourescent bulb on and I made sure to take him outside when it was sunny and warm enough to bask for anywhere from 30 min to an hour. I was told by a vet that this was the best way because no matter how good the bulb, it will always be inferior to the sun and that an hour in the sun is like a day under a UV bulb. I don't know this to be fact, though, so hopefully someone can clear it up and correct me if I am wrong.
In my area the only way I can get a new bulb typically is to order one online, which sucks if it is an emergency! I'm real rural and the very few pet shops in a 2 hour radius don't have what I need.
I had to wait like a week for a Reptisun 10.0

Why didnt you order a few for backup Jon? Nothing worse than blown bulbs and no replacement. Occasionally you get duds, or sometimes a power surge etc etc.
Cheaper in the long run, if you order 1 a time your paying shipping each time aswell.
I have to agree with JJ...

when ordering, try to buy 2 or 3 at a time. it will save you a ton on shipping.

again, it's no big deal when you don't hae a UVB bulb for a few days or a week.
just get a new one ASAP.

while you are waiting for the new bulbs, do try to take it outside if the weather is OK.
you could also dust your feeders with calcium w/D3 once durring the wait for the new bulbs...only use it once per week while you are waiting for the new bulb.

I don't know if it's the fixture, when i removed the bulb and put it the original it turned on right away. The bulb sounded like there were pieces rattling around inside.
I don't know if it's the fixture, when i removed the bulb and put it the original it turned on right away. The bulb sounded like there were pieces rattling around inside.

ZooMed is pretty good about replacing defective Reptisun tubes. Toss a PM at Summoner12 for his experiences at getting replacements. :).
Just take the Cham out for a couple hours a day in natural sunlight.
2-3 hours is sufficient for a days need of UVB for his health. Then you can stick him back under a florescent for the rest of the day.

ZooMed is pretty good about replacing defective Reptisun tubes. Toss a PM at Summoner12 for his experiences at getting replacements. :).

Yes, They are great about replacing bad lamps! :D

Even if you don't have the receipt you can call and tell them it went out after a couple of days and get it replaced. (I don't mean you should lie about bad lamps! You can tell if a lamp has been on and used for a while by the burn-in marks on the ends of the tube so don't think you can be slick about it :cool:)

It works two ways....

  1. No receipt, send them the smoked lamp and then they'll send you a new one.
  2. If you have a copy of the receipt, fax a copy to them and they'll send you a new lamp that day (if you called early enough it'll go out the same day... and if your close enough it'll be to you in one day)

I am in socal... Zoo Med is in norcal.... I sent my tube out UPS ground at like 8am from work on a Monday morning... was to them the next day and I had my new lamp on Wednesday waiting for me at home after work :D.

AND if you have longer tubes they pack the lamps well so don't worry about them being broken as they go through the mail. They use those UPS triangle boxes and Uline edge protectors to keep the box stiff.
AND if you have longer tubes they pack the lamps well so don't worry about them being broken as they go through the mail. They use those UPS triangle boxes and Uline edge protectors to keep the box stiff.

And here I was thinking those boxes were treated with Viagra! :eek:

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