Reptiworms from mulberry farms


I noticed that at the bottom of the list of things reptiworms are good for, it says that they can help reverse metabolic bone disease. I was looking to get some, and I was just curious about this, because I thought MBD wasn't reversible. Was I wrong?
They're just basically Marketing them as being high in calcium

Quote of truth. MBD is treated with prescription grade liquid calcium, so they are saying this is a good "alternative", but I wouldn't gamble on that fact: if my chams get MBD, I'm doing what I know works...the liquid calcium lol
MBD is not reversible.
It is however able to be stopped in its tracks from advancing further.
Reptiworms are great, they are high in calcium, and good to feed to any cham, but especially one with MBD.
HOwever, as Dave said,
when it comes to treating MBD, use liquid calcium.
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