Rescue!! Please help!!

Hey!! So I’ve been taking care of a nosey fally for a while now, almost two years and she is doing very well. But!!! I need help! Someone had made an ad to sell a fally Cham and he was in HORRIBLE shape!! Shrunken eyes, every bone in his body visible, barely able to move.. it wasn’t good. I quickly paid the 50 bucks and took him in. He’s in a spare cage that I had from my little girls younger days.
The rescue is super weak and I need help! Is there anything I can do at all? Thanks guys!!
Hydrate him with "showers" or long mistings. If you can get him hydrated then start trying feeding. Some people have had luck with this recipe.
Found this recipe for feeding weak chams.
"I did a lot of searches on bug juice and I used the following:
pedialyte, some crix, some butterworms, multivitamin, cal w. d3, water, egg yolk. I mashed it up with a mortar and pestle and fed via syringe 2 times daily. It's a challenge to get them to take it but you have to keep on them."

Getting veterinary care is your best bet if you think he will survive the trip to the vets.
Hydrate him with "showers" or long mistings. If you can get him hydrated then start trying feeding. Some people have had luck with this recipe.
Found this recipe for feeding weak chams.
"I did a lot of searches on bug juice and I used the following:
pedialyte, some crix, some butterworms, multivitamin, cal w. d3, water, egg yolk. I mashed it up with a mortar and pestle and fed via syringe 2 times daily. It's a challenge to get them to take it but you have to keep on them."

Getting veterinary care is your best bet if you think he will survive the trip to the vets.
Thank you so much, I will do my best
here’s a picture of him. Eyes are visibly shrunken in and he is very thin. He can still somewhat stand on his own so I’m hoping there’s still a chance for this guy to get better again. I have him in a warm, steamy shower and he’s been licking off some leaves to get at the water droplets. My phone does distort the colour a little, makes it look a lot more grey. He does have some blues, yellows, and greens on him but nothing bright.


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There is nothing a vet I think can do right now Kinyonga... I think he's too unstable, they wouldn't be able to give him fluids likely unless it was one of the top vets looking at his skin. Do you have oral syringes @CharcoalCham13. I think you can get water and such into him quickly and then maybe make him hydrated enough to be able to get him into the vet about in several days. A chameleon that dehydrated cannot drink enough on it's own. You need to not give food in my opinion right now. You will start kidney failure. You need to do some water and pedialyte that is reduced by 50/50 with water. Do pedialyte once a day in the beginning and then give water 3 times a day with a syringe and then also do showers. Oral syringes can only be filled half with pure liquid water sources, (.5 cc) place the tip of the syringe int he back of his mouth in the beginning of his through and depress the plunger in one smooth motion then withdraw. Make sure his face is not pointed down, up or just straight at you is fine.
You will likely need to do this for at least 5 days before you can take him in and I don't think he will make it. Though they can surprised you a lot.
There is nothing a vet I think can do right now Kinyonga... I think he's too unstable, they wouldn't be able to give him fluids likely unless it was one of the top vets looking at his skin. Do you have oral syringes @CharcoalCham13. I think you can get water and such into him quickly and then maybe make him hydrated enough to be able to get him into the vet about in several days. A chameleon that dehydrated cannot drink enough on it's own. You need to not give food in my opinion right now. You will start kidney failure. You need to do some water and pedialyte that is reduced by 50/50 with water. Do pedialyte once a day in the beginning and then give water 3 times a day with a syringe and then also do showers. Oral syringes can only be filled half with pure liquid water sources, (.5 cc) place the tip of the syringe int he back of his mouth in the beginning of his through and depress the plunger in one smooth motion then withdraw. Make sure his face is not pointed down, up or just straight at you is fine.
I do have a syringe, gave him a few drops this morning and he was roaming around a little. Thank you guys so much
I can only speak from experience mine turned yellow with the bone disease she had it when I got her but I was a novice and had no idea. I took her to the vet who gave her an enema a large dose of calcium and sent her home. Every four hours for the next five days I gave her large doses of calcium and water with a syringe. I hand fed her the high calcium food in liquid form and peeled grapes. I put her in the shower for 20 minute stretches 3 to 5 times a day. Kept her in uvb lights 12 hours on 12 off kept her very warm. It took about 4 weeks of this but she made it and that was four years ago she is still going strong. It was the people in this forum that stayed up with me and on line with me that helped pull her through they are the best.
I can only speak from experience mine turned yellow with the bone disease she had it when I got her but I was a novice and had no idea. I took her to the vet who gave her an enema a large dose of calcium and sent her home. Every four hours for the next five days I gave her large doses of calcium and water with a syringe. I hand fed her the high calcium food in liquid form and peeled grapes. I put her in the shower for 20 minute stretches 3 to 5 times a day. Kept her in uvb lights 12 hours on 12 off kept her very warm. It took about 4 weeks of this but she made it and that was four years ago she is still going strong. It was the people in this forum that stayed up with me and on line with me that helped pull her through they are the best.
I have already upped his lighting with the uvb to 12 hours and I will be adding calcium powder to the water through the syringe tonight ^-^ thanks for that! All the help I can get is worth it
I am hoping your boy is still going strong. Do you already know which vet you will be taking him to if he makes it through the next few days?
Btw there is a high calorie liquid based diet I use for my rescues for assist/force feedings. I wouldn't recommend it for him until at least 4 days in but you can buy it on ebay, oxbow carnivore care.
Just checking in, is his eyes less sunken in today? It will be 24 hours around 5 pm since you posted this, so that is good he is still with you. Also glad to hear he moved around a bit.
They do look less shrunken compared to yesterday, he’s able to roam from his basking spot to the mister then back down but I haven’t seen him drink anything that I haven’t directly put in his mouth yet. I had him on my hand a few minutes ago and his grip was fairly strong. I think he’s doing okay, I’ll send another update picture tomorrow
I am hoping your boy is still going strong. Do you already know which vet you will be taking him to if he makes it through the next few days?
Not sure which vet yet, we are fairly far away from any good ones that do reptiles so the closest to me is about three and a half hours away. If you know of any good ones on Ontario Canada I’ll take any suggestions.
@Mitch77 ...I hate to tell you but that list of vets is so outdated that almost all of the vets that were good aren't there anymore.
I know Dr. Zenker is still there... and even if Dr. Taylor isn't at Guelph anymore there should be a good vet there.

@CharcoalCham13 what town are you near??
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