Respiratory infection???


New Member
Chameleon: Jackson, age about 5got him when he was about 1 year old
Handling - when cleaning generally hates being held
Feeding - Crickets 5-7 a day feed them carrots and lettuce
Supplements - repti cal without D3 and herptivite multi vitamins blue label dust calcium about once a week herptivite about once a month
Watering - Spray fake leaves in cage and he drinks of of those
Fecal Description - Black and white-normal
History - he was sick once before slept on the ground for like two days but back to normal about a year ago
Cage Info:
Mesh cage w18" by 28"h
Lighting - reptisun 5.0 UVB 100 watt heat lamp
Temperature- basking 90 middle 75-80 bottom 70 overnight 65
Humidity - 60%
Plants - all fake
In corner of room on about a 3foot shelf not near vents or fans near a window
Location - colorado

So my lil buddy has been lying on the ground on his repti carpet with his eyes open just staring blankly at the ground he's not sleeping during the day he looks bloated but I think it is his lungs because he will exhale and he'll look normal than puff out again but I can't here him breathing and he doesn't have excess mucus in his mouth, he hasn't eaten since Friday I tried to force feed him but I think I did it wrong he wouldn't open his mouth I sprayed water at his mouth and he then opened it and seemed to enjoy the water he seems weak because he's just sitting on the ground not moving much like last week they where puffy but he was acting normal sitting on branches and climbing around so I didn't think much of it he's been on the ground before but never this long and never along with these symptoms
With a ri you will usually notice a popping or puffing noise in the chameleons breathing and the exes mucus you mentioned so with out any of those I would consider other options. You care looks pretty good to me, you may want to up the plain calcium and add the odd dusting of calcium with d3.
Is it possible he took a fall or has injured his tongue or mouth?
If he was enjoying the water it may be worth giving him a shower or extra long warm misting and let him drink all he wants.
If possible a vet would be your best option.
Can someone help please c'mon

Sorry your little guy is not well.

Does he have a fluid build up in his tissues, maybe around his neck and between his front legs? Edema? (You mentioned him being "puffy.")

If he has an edema and is sick, it could be caused by a lot of things ranging from heart failure to liver or kidney problems. A vet is the best one to evaluate him.

Do you have a picture of him?
Based on what you provided it is not easy to see an issue. He's 5 years old? For a Jackson's that is near their known life expectancy and if he was older than what you were told he was then he's going to be older than 5.

I'd suggest a vet trip and that's something I don't often say. I don't see anything in your post that gives me the impression it is something we can fix via the internet. Your care looks good, you've had him for 4 years which says a lot also. Hence me leaning towards something very out of the ordinary, a cham maybe dying of old age?
Here is a photo I will post another just a sec


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The little dude is also looking kind of dehydrated as I said he has drank a whole lot


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When I tried to mist his plants he hissed for the first time in his life should I attemp to spray a little bit in his mouth when he does this just to get him some water
He did fall 4 days ago but he was fine after he could've had a tounge injury just when I wasn't around what are the symptoms of a tounge injury
Sounds like possible MBD, judging by the pictures it looks mild enough were you might be able to save him. Like the other person said he could just be dying of old age:(
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