Rest in peace, Alphys.


About two months ago, I scrolled past this part of the forum hoping I won't have to post here any time soon. Well, here I am now.

My female veiled chameleon, Alphys, just passed away. She was fine until a week ago. Her health declined day by day despite my best efforts, which are not much to be honest. I know I could have done better.

I remember when I first got her. She was spotted and didn't hesitate to climb my hands. She used to climb up to my head and sleep there. During the day when I'm working on my laptop, she would sit on my shoulder and watch me work.

I'm in Saudi Arabia and to be honest, there aren't a lot of resources here to help care for a chameleon. If it weren't for the help and guidance of the kind forum members here, I don't know what would've happened.

To whoever is reading this: if you live in Saudi Arabia and want to own a chameleon, please please be sure of your decision. Make sure all the resources you need are available in your city.

Thank you all so much for your help and advice.

I'm sorry I couldn't give you the best care, Alphys. I know you're in a better place now. You probably have your favorite bugs all around for you to eat, and a good tree to live in.
Here's her when I first got her

She loved climbing the hibiscus I got for her

She looked so silly sometimes

She was and still is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.


Rest in peace, Alphys. I love you.

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Sorry for your loss. Don't beat yourself up too bad though! It's clear you loved her and tried to give her a good life.
So sorry you lost her... Chameleons seem to work their way into our hearts so easily. You were always trying your best to give her good care, and like you said, resources where you live are limited.
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