Restless chameleon


New Member
My female veiled chameleon is extremely restless and always hangs out on the bottom of the cage scratching the screen. I have sand and dirt in two separate pots that are six inches tall in case she needs to lay eggs but she uses them as step stools to get to the bottom. She goes down scratches for 30 mins and then heads back up into the vines and tries again after 10 mins. She doesn't appear angry and when i open the cage she climbs up my arm and refuses to go back into the cage. I tried removing any objects she might think were stressful but it still happens. Help is appreciated thank you.
Is here enclosure too small?
Now that summertime is here, is her cage now too hot because the room is warmer?
Is there another chameleon that she can see?
Is there a beautiful tempting plant nearby?

The forum's Veiled caresheet tells you what temperatures and cage sizes are appropriate.
Here's the link

You can also cut and paste the questions from add all your answers and maybe someone will see something that would be better if changed
She may need something larger then 6'' for laying.
They often dig several 'test' holes before deciding on the right spot.
Sometimes they are a bit picky.

Do you have a larger cage?

Adult veiled like a lot of space, and I would put a larger pale of dirt for her.
Make sure it's firm, moist soil, so she can make a hole w/o it collapsing in.

Try not to change the arrangement inside the cage to much, chams hate change, and it stresses them to have to figure out something new and unexpected.

Once they get used to being let out of their cages, they never want to go back in (would you?).
I have a heck of a time getting my guyz back home from being on the free range. The only exception is if I let them spend the night on it, in the morning they are cold and glad to get a lift back home where it's warm.
Thanks for all the advice i have her in a 18 by 18 by 36 inch cage and I am getting a garbage bin and filling it with dirt for her to lay her eggs.
My female used to wander and try to get out when she was receptive. My other female had two different lay tubs in her viv but kept scratching at the floor, so I made a false floor at the level of the top of her lay tubs so that she couldn't get any lower.
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