Restless female panther


New Member
My fiancee and I have had a female panther chameleon for ~8 months now. She's been great. Eating well. Not too stressed (as far as we can tell). Pretty laid back and all.

Recently, we've gotten a new male veiled chameleon and put him in the female's old cage, and bought a newer bigger cage for the female (since she is much bigger than him right now). The old cage had a house plant in it that basically took up the whole space. The new cage has a vine that winds up the middle of the cage, a small, magnetic leafy thing on one side, and a rock dripper on the the other side. It's much more open than her last cage was, but there are still areas that she can hide in. We've placed the new cage on the opposite end of the room so they don't see each other.

Since she got the new cage (about 2 days ago), she's been doing nothing but constantly moving around the cage. Though at one point she curled herself up on the bottom of the cage, which seemed very strange to us. She eventually moved up the cage and just slept clung on the side of the cage instead of sitting on one of the branches like she normally does. She's got water and we recently fed her before we moved her.

She's been relatively dark-colored for how she normally looks, and at one point she even hissed and tried to take a bite at me when I went to take her out to calm her down (she has always calmed down by sitting on top of my head in my hair). So she's been acting strange.

Has the new male in the house caused her to start the egg process? (We've placed a container of soft mulch at the bottom of the cage just in case. We didn't have any soft soil and living in Florida means we have sand for dirt outside). Is it just the new cage that she has and is getting used to it? What are some of the possibilities and what should I go about doing to make her more comfortable? Would it be better if I switched her back to the smaller cage and the male to the new larger one?

Thanks so much for any help!
The new male chameleon is only ~1-2 months old if it means anything. He's quite small still. I dunno if he somehow triggered her to be started to look to lay eggs or if it was just coincidence?
The new male chameleon is only ~1-2 months old if it means anything. He's quite small still. I dunno if he somehow triggered her to be started to look to lay eggs or if it was just coincidence?

I'm very surprised that she didn't eat him.
Like I said, right away when we purchased the new one, we bought a bigger cage to put her in by herself because we read somewhere that the sight of a male can trigger her to start lying eggs. I was thinking maybe if she saw the new male when we had him out, or perhaps the smell of him? I certainly have no clue on the dynamics of those sorts of things.
If you've had her for 8 months it's probably just time for her to lay her first clutch. Good to know that you didn't house them together.
Alright. I'll go to the store today and pick up some washed play sand.

I have a 10-gallon aquarium tank. Would this be okay to use or do you think it would be too narrow? It's about the largest container I have on hand right now. I MIGHT be able to find a cardboard box that I could seal up to make a container as well.
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