Rhampholeon acuminatus

We all can share notes. I had a few several years ago but was never able to hatch the eggs (I think I did not find them in time and soil was too wet).
I think the best thing to do is when you notice the female is nice and fat but her ina smaller tank. Only caught my brevs twice laying eggs. I got lucky. There were two clutches I never found. Had to wait to see babies crawling around in the tank.

I am incubating my eggs at 66 degrees. should hatch around 7 months if all goes well.
How are you getting the eggs down to 66?

I found a 6 bottle wine cooler that had a high end of 66 degrees. I am going to take temp readings around my apartment to see if I can find a stable 68 degrees also. I incubated my peacock babies at that temp and they did really well.
Female after two days of getting settled.
Just added the male


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Nice looking animals, guys!! I really like this species. I find most pygmys rather boring but these are super cool!
Naughty boy

This has happened the last two nights. The boy waits for lights out and then sneaks up behind her when she is asleep. Ahh males can be dogs no matter what species they are :D


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How are they doing? Any new pics?

I will take some this weekend. The male has grown larger and is alot more colorful.

The female is about the same. He has stopped stalking her now. They seem to be getting along just fine. I am watching her now to see if I see any fattening up :)
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